Analog Heat

Dear @Trabant, please rephrase your two recent ‘outburst’ posts, please, … and chill - you’re normally the most agreeable dude in town :thup:

[mod note : they were too :heat: to leave]


oh no doubt, i love me some strymon and eventide, even that 1176 pedal clone comes to mind. without getting in to too much debate i think the sound/signal to noise issues come from how the pedals are powered, but i must admit that sometimes this in itself lends it self to the tone/flavour of the pedal itself. I abuse the rat pedal vst on the uad platform and even that thing gets too gnarly for my tastes, im hoping that the AH will offer some more gentle distortion/saturation instead of full out meat grinder clipping aliased crunchines

The AH has dry/wet control so any madness achieved can be ran in parallel with the dry signal to achieve whatever intensity is desired.

I think the demo player they have up does a good job of showing the subtle ranges. Try out the clean boost and saturation at lesser settings.

yea i think the key word i mentioned was “more” as if the focus on the machine is more towards the unit being used as a fuzz pedal or something more like a pair of distressors or the elysia karacter unit.

it sounds super flexible indeed, but part of me needs to see edit:ALL the parameters that are reflected in the sound before judging where its strengths lie

i love the demo web app though, super handy but not quite the real thing :smiley:


is it finished product?

Nahh the other half announced next week


Lol. I bet it is in final beta phases or whatever their process is in order to release this fall

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I’d like to see a hands on video… I wonder when we will get one.

…i want ooone! :grin: :grinning:
it feels a bit weird to me not to see a step sequencer in there (8 steps would have done it for me…even 4!..with p-locks naturally :P) although i’m already getting used to the new layout, but regardless of that, i would at least give it a try before judging…then it’s probably all about whether this machine is needed or not in the production process…
sure there’re alternatives out there but that’s to me more of a ‘personal taste/need’ thing…either wait and buy it or well…not… (or build your own?) :relaxed:

Weird design choice, sounds mint though.

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edit: oops… looked at the back… he i/o are vertical stacked so didn’t see from the top view :wink:


Perfect companion for the octatrack. Im glad to see this and now I can push everything through this while utilizing overbridge with the octatrack through heat


You could always run it as a send/return with the set of in and outs? Once its put into a DAW then you can pretty much run as much as you want through it

I’m guessing based on the half standard Elektron box size and the primarily distortion/overdrive related features and “run as VST” via overbridge, that this box is just the first part in a series. Next might be delay, reverb / chorus, flange, extreme modulation / filterbank/ mastering processor etc. Just a guess but seems to make sense. Unfortunately at apprx $1000.00 CAD per unit, unless this lottery thing starts working out for me, I don’t think I will be playing this game except maybe via the used market in a couple of years :neutral_face:


Looking forward to seeing this in action before making my mind up.
It does appear to be a much bigger palette for more of the magic that RYTM imparts to samples, and should work very nicely as the only warmer-upper you’ll need for a suite of mixed digital hardware synths and vsts loaded DAW set-up.

I can’t see elektron doing a whole suite of FX boxes though. Analog distortion & filter makes sense vs VST, but other effects that are very well done inside a PC will be an even harder market to crack.

I’m 2/3 interested, but some good demos might very well push me over the edge given it can integrate so nicely into my DAW and not use up any channels on my audio interface either.

I wonder how well USB will handle A4, RYTM and Heat at the same time.

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Man, with that demo player thingy, I can make this thing sound like how I remember my MPC 3000 sounded when I would overdrive the preamp/convertors while sampling.

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the price is definitely a bit much. i was expecting half the price of the current line but perhaps there is going to be onboard DSP to power digital FX on the amp page. i am hoping there is!

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I can relate to the cost given it works with a computer but part of me is still puzzled at this stage. If it is just a one off analogue saturation unit which can make your digital audio or existing hardware sound “better?” im all for that and many other products exist for much much more coin. More info is needed for me personally,