Analog Heat

Isn’t that what it is though?

OTO Biscuit had an analog diode circuit for distortion before the digital conversion. The bit crushing and sample rate reduction was digital (of course). The filter on the Biscuit is pretty weak IMO - the cutoff works, but the resonance is very very tame.

I was convinced this was going to be Elektrons take on the portastudio, and I would have bought in an instant. Not sure why they have gone this route, they have been given enough pointers by a lot of their customers that this is something they want, also korg volca users the same but alas we end up with an effects box that I won’t be buying. Maybe I’m wrong and people are loving this ?


Of course Prints 120% hence me saying.

Just keen to see more info on the digital integration, it seemed like a weird design choice but they do actually have stereo outs and I did assume ( I know ) they might have ballsed into the pedal market on first look of the units format.

But FILLS, Cosmic! Fills and CONDITIONS! (in hindsight seem absolutely essential to a percussive machine)

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Well, the (over)price makes this a complete no-go for me. Also, the lack of a sequencer seems pretty awful as well. They should have included at least one sequencer track at that price. If they would have allowed to run external gear too, that would have been a game changer.

I had a feeling that this thing was going to be a disappointment for me. Like there isn’t enough distortion units on the market already…? Maybe they can get to work on something we all expect from them, like an analog Monomachine or an OT2.

Elektron, if you are gonna put something in a box, why would you go with effects when they seem to be your weakest accomplishments? Why not make your sequencer, you know, the thing you are famous for, more available???

Whatever, there are much better things coming to market to spend money on so I guess I’m glad they made a distortion box with LFO…


If it’s anything like the analog filter in the RYTM then these will be an easy sell for Elektron. That thing just makes absolutely anything thump with a few tweaks.

Nope, it will be finished 1 year after it is released and after all you beta testers out there with big pockets can pay full price to find the bugs. And that’s not counting the OB debacle that is still an issue for a lot of folks out there.
Unless you live under a rock, that is how the game is played these days.
If I were to ever get one of these, it will be 1 year in off ebay for a fraction of the price…just like the RYTM

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How do you propose they go about making an analog monomachine? Isn’t the whole point of the :elmm: that it’s digital?


I would look up how much these kind of exotic tools RRP for now and in the past 20 years. We need more information before pissing on the parade. By the sound examples unless its mastered to death I think given probably and more than likely it does carry £££ features no one wanted or will use at this stage we just do not know if its a dog with fleas a dog with 3 legs etc etc :slight_smile:

I am pleased somone in the market realises people dont need analogue synth, drum machine etc etc and just want to enhance the signal path.

Neve offer one option, ONE option (giggles)

ummm, how about a 6 voice version of the Analog 4 with focused machines like the RYTM and External MIDI tracks like the MONO?
I’m not saying it would be the exact MONO but just analog.

I don’t think you understood what I said, but I don’t really care anyway…
and how can you call it “accomplished” when it hasn’t even hit the market yet?

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More demos elektron :smiley:

I thought that is what you got when you go to the dentist.

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It’s a redemption of the word

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Dude, you need a dictionary

Oh my…

I know what Paul Calf would say…

Let’s cool the :heat: a little and chat about the :3lektron: :heat: :heart:



Point is that the fun of the mono is the quirky digital/FM engines, which doesn’t make sense as analog. What you’re describing is just an expanded analog four. Focused machines don’t make sense on an analog synth like they do on a drum machine - with the LFOs, FM and mod matrix you can already achieve pretty much any sound that analog is capable of IMO.

If you’re asking for a new elektron digital synth then count me in.

Anyway, off topic, I must have heatstroke…

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I’m starting to WARM up to it. The device looks cool. I just CANNOT sell myself on distortion. Sell me avantronica…sell me.

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