Analog Rytm & Analog Four. Transformed

The +Drive was def something they had planned though as you need the hardware for that. Obviously not all the added features were planned but delivering the MVP first and having a 2 to 3 years upgrade plan ahead of time if everything goes well is not uncommon at all. It does not have to be a marketing evil plan though: sit around a table, brainstorm the best synth/drum machine you’d like to see and then scale down to what you can really invest (dev time/hardware expense). If a few ideas need a certain hardware spec and that it does not up the price too much, use that piece of hardware in the first place.

Anyway, did they announce OTmk3?? There’re like 1 or 2 OTs getting on the second hand market every day since this black mk2 announcement haha.

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I was about to pull the trigger until i saw all the UNDERLINES and basically ruined it for me. sorry i have an education in graphic design and you can say the alt functions are important to convey, but when 80% of the buttons have alt functions the underlines mean nothing and make it harder to read the text because text is easier to read lower case (fact) and this makes all text a “block” and more importantly its looks terrible. i wish i didnt care


the hazards of monochrome

my analog four mk1 logo has lost some of its paint (unfortunately) BUT it seems to leave no trace underneath and would look clean if completely removed with light pressure. have elektron changed their painting process?? because I would feel confident about removing the underlines manually if they havent changed their process. can anyone confirm a new faceplate printing process?

Unless you’re 100% convinced that you’ll never ever sell your black Analogs before hell freezes over, I wouldn’t advise doing this :slight_smile:


So has anyone got a black unit yet? I haven’t seen a single video of them in the wild yet and I’ve been checking YouTube every day since release.

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I am planning to go to my local store to check it out.
In these pictures it doesn’t look as amazing as I thought, maybe it’s because of lighting.


Ooh, I’m of the opposite opinion. Those shots look great. The Elektron ones make it look very busy. These ones show that it’s not that hectic - very understated in fact!


The golden days of gear videos. No plants, no thumbnails, just cool content


It looks undoubtedly better than gray, but my expectations were so high)

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Wait til you see it in person :slightly_smiling_face:

(And post some pictures here!)

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If anyone is going from a MK1 up to one of these new MK2s, the old days of mistaking the function button for the track button are a thing of the past. That function button really pops out now.


im still mad >:(

You just get to know and remember those functions after a while. I first had no idea what you were talking about and I think you are making a problem where there is none. Secondary functions just means you can do much more.

you literally made my point - “you just get to know and remmember those functions after a while” - . SO WHY ruin something so near perfection with underlines that trash the aesthetic! ITS FINE they got their damn money I couldnt resist, it should be delivered soon and Ill be posting here how terribly bad my custom anti underline scrub went!

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Ok but I really don’t think it looks bad at all and it’s a reference. Hope you’ll get over it :wink:

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I’m legitimately lusting after these machines, they looks so tasty in black and the firmware update, wow, so fantastic!


I dig the new packaging design. It matches up nicely with the Model series.

yeah 80% of the labels are underlined haha. Perhaps underlining the 20% would have been better or… they are using white labels for a few knobs, they could have use white for the FUNC ones too.

The grey looks sexy too on these photos.
(I’ve been trying to convince myself for a very long time - before the black mkii gets out - that grey is not so bad and it appears this
might be true)