Analog Rytm & Analog Four. Transformed

I do agree that color based scheme could be problematic (especially for color blind people).
I’m not color blind but I still can’t figure out my mute states on the DN haha.

Using “[]” would have been a good solution but well once you’ve got dozen of them this might be bad on the eyes too, can’t really tell.
These underlines are not a deal breaker but I’m not sold on this scheme!


darth rytm


Not sure if there are rules on memey posts like this but it beats complaining about THE LINES spread out over 8 posts lol.


But why only 2/3 of the Dark Trinity? They run out of black color?

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Pretty much anything Elektron does that is new is cool in my book, even if it’s a palette swap. And these look really nice, better than I initially thought they would when I read they were all black.

Still, I prefer the late 80’s Robotech aesthetic of the grey units. There’s something at once awkward and impenetrable about it that works so well in that color scheme.


Because octatrack sales are not so bad as A4, or maybe its major OT MK3 update coming soon)

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Late 10’s now.

Instant throwbacks.

2020 is so Vader, anyway.


The mute states is a great example! It’s because it’s so abstract. You have to learn and remember what the “code” is.

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I worked on the additional content for the AR MKII, but I had no idea that they were making completely new machines!
Elektron 4 eva! :3lektron:


Any links to the new content? Always love hearing the Rytm in good hands.

My only question is, does this make my mki more valuable???

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I think Elektron is wasting their time with these updates.
Design is nice but… what about smth NEW? 4 voice of analog!? Yes, this is smth absolutely new and inspiring…

I can’t really tell the active color. I think it was a very good/smart idea on paper but not very practical in reality. I gave up the pattern mute state and just use the global one and I still get confused haha.

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Hmm, look very cool. But now I have a problem. I have AR MK1 and A4 MK II, was thinking of upgrading AR MK1 to 2. Now the color… hmm

Thanks! We’ll see what they decide!

They are definately more sexy now. Batman gadgets now.

If you like the grey MK2, you could probably find a better deal on a grey mk2 AR now.


Price drops on grey mk2 :muscle:t2:

I have no intention of selling my grey mk2s…
but if were to sell them I’m hardly going to bring the price down hundreds of dollars because of the colour


Finally they look at least almost as good as the mk1‘s :upside_down_face: