Annoying sounds

I truly don’t mind it. Two teenagers playing it constantly didn’t help or maybe I’m just f’d up. Ha!


Netflix startup sound

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Needless to say that about leaf blower, you have to prove you are a dumbass to be able to buy one.

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scraping the opening of an aluminum can with a thick plastic straw, the reusable type as you pull it out. Can’t handle it.

Also my wife when she stirs up her yogurt with a spoon. Sploosh Sploosh

Just add loud diesel engines and that pretty much sums up my misophonia.

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If you think seagulls are bad, you should try listening to bald eagles.

Unintentional clicking envelopes on synthesizers

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To be fair , any innocent bystander to someone practicing any instrument is annoying as hell


The Woke

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I was going to avoid this thread as I have definitely burdened the internet with my weak first world complaints more than enough. But then a plugin for fixing noisy audio was advertised at me and I was reminded how I haaaaaaaate vinyl noise in sample based music. It’s difficult for me to fathom that there is now software to add that horseshit to one’s mixes. What in thee fuck is this world coming to?

This is extra weird because I was originally a hiphop guy and scratched records like a mofo from ‘95-‘05 out in public at least once a week. I also have no problem just listening to music on beat up records. But as soon as I hear the same clicks and pops repeated in the same places (as with samples) I want to flip a table.

Assuming you don’t own Digitone then :slight_smile:


The robot voice of the lady that sounds simultaneously gleeful and dead inside? Omg that’s seriously the worst sound, and the fact that it gets used in so many people’s videos…


I hate the sound of Harleys and any car that has that muffler modification that makes it sound like a Harley.

Anything - music, dialogue, whatever - played loudly from a cellphone.


They completely hog the whole top end of the spectrum and I’m like guys just give me five minutes to mix this track


I’m starting to have days where any sound at all is very annoying. Most likely a side effect of having chronic fatigue, and fortunately not frequent. You can imagine it’s hard to make music on those days


When people scream when they sneeze


Bagpipes. Sorry Scotland.


I have the same with tv’s . Probably a combination of shitty speakers and an overcompressed signal . They sound super aggressive at any vollume , the same with most radio’s btw … can’t stand it . A vinyl record on a desent sound system at double the volume … no probleme …

A school performance by uncountable amounts of onegraders “performing” some popular tune using only recorders