Annoying sounds

The sound of my voice.
Any politician’s.
Same song heard more than 6 times altogether on the radio/tv/marriage DJ/party/bus.
Fork sliding on a plate.
New chalk screaming on the black board.
Rubbing polystyrene.
Electric equipment constant hum (fridge especially, or my MVS that makes the wall emit some bass frequencies).
Electric equipment alarms (I can’t deactivate my dishwasher’s and it can ring in the middle of the time for 3 good minutes).
Bluetooth speaker output in public space.
And of course tinnitus.

Practicing ambient/noise/drone was a nice way to learn to hear sounds differently, and nowadays I can have construction workers next to my house (like right now), and appreciate the industrial sounds and how I could use them in my music.
And listening to music constantly (or singing) has been my strategy to forget unwanted noises for decades…


Anything running in the background for so called light entertainment/distraction purposes. I prefer silence or focused listening.
My own noises when walking through nature. Whenever I stop and listen I start realizing how beautiful everything sounds just by itself and feel ashamed for being such a loud intruding animal.


Angela Rayner

Octatrack :crazy_face:

Vacuum cleaner

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Emmanuel Macron
Hillary Clinton
People who chew aluminum
Warning Noise from TMNT on NES

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Yamaha T-Max.

Besides the annoying sound of these that pollute the cities, any T-Max owner should be sent to jail just for owning one. Similar to being a Feyenoord supporter, there is just no single one decent human being riding those, it only attracts nefarious aggressive subnormal people.

Tinnitus is actually a sensation, not a sound. :face_with_monocle:

Mmm, philosophy here…

“Is a sound what your brain decodes from moving air waves ? What about infrasound, then? What about the sound produced by your own body?”

By the way, the sound from your body when you are trying to sleep in a very silent place is quite something as well…

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Not entirely. Infrasound has a source and with tinnitus there is no source that is generating the vibrations. Not in real time at least. :slight_smile: Tinnitus is more like a trauma/memory of a sound than an actual sound.

There’s this Falkirk fan who has a season ticket reasonably close to where I’m at that has the most annoyingly nasally voice I’ve heard. It’s pitched highly too just to add irritation. And he loves to get angry and loud for the full match too screaming out one of maybe a dozen regular bitchy comments. He kind of sounds like a Formula 1 car if it was racing past you constantly rather than just every few minutes around a track.

Other special mentions go to noisy eaters (eat with mouth shut or fuck off) and that wet sounding clicky clacky vibe/sound a lot of electronic music goes for at times (Autechre spring to mind).

  • Pressure washers
  • Leaf Blowers
  • Hedge trimmers
  • all the other boomer all day everyday suburban garden work tools
  • eating noises
  • surbaban keychain dogs yelping all day cos both doggo parents work

The sound of one hand clapping.


you mean its…all in your head?


indeed :joy:

Go check this one for more inspiration for your ranting :man_facepalming:

(Thx @DoS :wink: )


Putin’s voice.


I get annoyed by the sound of mice running in my attic.
It’s of course very context dependant.

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My cat has few annoying voices. Then I guess some of those “classic 90s rave sounds” are quite annoying as well

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indeed all of that!
and then the commercials in between are programmed to sound even more aggressive & louder, :nauseated_face:

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