Annoying sounds

The sound of a door being slammed shut.


Totally depends on the door for me. Where I work we have some heavy doors, that actually sound better the harder they get slammed. (Iā€™m not the one trying to sleep in the adjacent buildings, I have to admit) :smiley:

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I have liked some industrial doors myself. Domesticly I find it makes me jump.

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Last time we had a thread like this I couldnā€™t be around people for a week after reading through it.


Oh my GOD the fucking Tik Tok voice makes me want to end it all. I thought I was the only one lol


Metal shit scratching the floor, or banging suddenly next to me
Knives/forks scratching plates
My dogs barking
Tv speaker sound when loud
Some peoples voices
Mosquitos when i sleep
Ice making machines in restaurants
The sound ā€œyou didnt put your beltā€ in cars, until i internalise it and make a beat in my brain
Neighbours fighting

But what about sounds i enjoy?
Cicadas, make me super calm
Cat noises, same
People burping, farting, spitting, make me happy
Thick, banging snares, that are not made by me
Cinema ringing the bells before the movie starts
Red alert 2 ost
Crackling in women voices, sexy!
Basslines that make my room go boooooommm
Whale vids
Playstation 1 intro sound


When I was younger, the famous 17 000 Hz sound. Now, I donā€™t care anymore as I donā€™t hear it.


Thatā€™s some OG stuff right there.

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Hah, of course itā€™s been done. Oh well. Spur of the moment post. Iā€™m sure it will die a slow death. :man_shrugging:

Sound of an egg being fried. Or a cup of tea being poured from a teapot. Really makes me dislike humans. Crazy!

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I have no clue what we are talking about right here, never been on Tik Tok Iā€™m afraid.
I looked for an audio example and found this.

Please internet never stop the weird!


All bagpipes? Bagpipes are all over Europe and through West Asia. Many donā€™t sound very much like Scottish highland ones. But I get the highland type being annoying. Easy to sound bad on them, hard to sound skilled and nuanced.

Trolls on internet.


voice corrected with auto-tune at speed 0.


#1 Roosters thinking their shifts starts but itā€™s only 3am and they keep yelling until the sun goes down. So the second you get out of car after work youā€™re ā€˜welcomedā€™ by this little Bastard screaming itā€™s lungs out.

Luckily I moved into a new apartment, but still I donā€™t find the noise relaxing even if itā€™s faaar away.

#2 A stupid kling klong from the balcony that gets triggered by the wind keeping wify me up when itā€™s a little stormy outside.

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That new common dialect where every sentence ends with a pitch rise.

How did I forget auto tune? One of my biggest audio displeasure!


Kamala Harris comes to mindā€¦


Combustion engines.