Anti-Ambient music_top-down design

"Some of Roach and Obmana’s most introspective and immersive recordings in years. Drones wrenched out of some nameless void cruise slowly through great vacuums of space, the only intrusion coming from stark, unearthly tones that sometimes grow, sometimes recede, into the ebony background.
Using a vast array of sound and signal processors, synths and a number of acoustic noise-makers, Roach/Obmana may very well be the acknowledged masters of anti-ambient music, music that emerges from the shadows, often erupting out of the blackness, in your face and probing, but simultaneously willing to nestle comfortably in the darkness.
These are sounds that might seem to be nearly imperceptible until they suddenly grab the surrounding environment in their awe-inspiring, immense grip. Inner space music with a definable edge. "

ah, but what do ants have against roach?


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is this anti-ambient?

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You’re going home in a cosmic…

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so-that or -this!

I suddenly remembered this thread while recommending one of my favorite tracks / albums from Vladislav Delay to a friend:

he has more high-end stuff (sound-wise) but I still like this album of his a lot


Never heard about anti-ambient, but this is something I feel anti-ambient-ish. Awesome performance btw.


I was just joking :slight_smile:

I think the most anti-ambient thing I’ve seen was a guy in a gorilla suit waving an electrified garden rake with some pick ups around and scraping and banging it on the stage. It might have been a hallucination but I’m pretty sure it happened. It was pure noisy theatre

@Anfim That’s up to you my friend! Anti-ambient is what you want it to be

@depuratumba Fantastic share thank you, this is far out. It brings me real joy to know that Anti-Ambient is touching the hearts of so many

@Marklaar This dude looks so powerful with these giant levers, very inspiring thank you!

@steve-b Dude in the gorilla suit sounds like a straight badass. Reminds me of something I’m reading: The Crying of Lot 49. There’s a short segment where the protagonist has her first exposure to live electronic music (back in the '60s) and it’s a completely appalling experience. Wish i could have been there!

Exploring Anto-Ambient from another angle, I broke out the old DSLR to shoot some really exciting video for this Anti-Ambient track.

What do you think?


Industrial is good

So unclear how I feel about this one. Just a 1 min sample. All DFAM (sampled and live):

You are either going to hate this or maybe like it haha

warning your head might explode I am sorry


I like that a lot.

More please

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Sick ok! I’ll see if I can use clips on the BB to get that gnarly telephone sound to pitch around. Or I’ll use a comb filter or something…

It def sounds crushed but you really feel it haha

I like it a lot, but it’s too coherent to be anti-ambient.
I really like what you have done with the DFAM though, its not the usual crazy BD and noisy snare, there’s actually some tone there.

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That’s fair on the anti-ambient. I guess I just know that whoever is in this thread might appreciate the off the beaten path approach and weird new sounds.

Maybe it’s time for a new thread then. Unclear what to call it but some of the music here is intense and I like it haha

Dude this is amazing

All DFAM? I can see why you like that thing so much

Anti-Ambient to the core

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All DFAM as the sound source! I have two and some of it was sampled and down pitched. But all sounds are DFAM (live/sampled).

Used the blackbox to sample/clock.

Glad you like it :pray:

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Sweet ! Reminds me of

Some good stuff in this tread !