Any Cyclists here? Show us your bike!

I am riding a Cinelli Vigorelli with a Miche Primato 46t and a 17t freewheel. it rides like a dream, and i love the challenge of not being able to shift and having to pedal up hill when it calls for it. I’ll be back with a photo, can’t find one right now…

im strictly MTB. have a seriously ridden/beaten Specialized M2 from 2002/2003. trying to find a pic somewhere. its time for a replacement…again need to get werk before I entertain that idea. but it’ll be hard to replace, I love cantilever brakes, and my bike is SUPER lite for a MTB.

Lots of skid patches with this combo… And not too hard on the knees… If it was fixed.



They are ! Love the green + Jones bar.

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I’m waiting since 6month my new specialized rockhopper, bike industry is pretty blocked…it will arrive in august :smiley:
Are you happy with this bike? I’m so eager to try it!

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Yeah man, love my rockhopper pro. Think I bought mine 2018 and we’re still like best friends! Just took a ride and ended up with a bath…


Paging @finalform

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Another one from today… :wink:


Sorry, not been on much (busy with new job)!

I thought I had posted a bike on here a while back but maybe not!

I have four… general purpose fixed gear, fancy fixed gear, 10sp road, and 1x hardtail MTB.

This is my Bob Jackson Vigorelli, it’s coming up on 10 years old and has done by far the most miles. I build most of my wheels myself and have never had to adjust these, they are literally bombproof apparently (though the rear hub has had new bearings).

Then we have the fancy one which spends most of the time in storage because the bike parking is not secure enough here and there’s no space in the flat. It’s a Feather Cycles custom, I got in early so didn’t pay insane money for the frame. Serial number 00025. It’s made of 853 Pro Team, very stiff and fast.

Road bike is an oldish Genesis Equilibrium, from the year before they added rack mounts. It has a rack on now anyway (one that attaches to the mudguard mounts) and a different saddle. 10sp Ultegra. It’s ok! It does a decent job but I can see myself swapping it out for something with more modern tyre clearance. I can’t get bigger than 28C in with the mudguards.

I used to have a circa ‘03-‘04 Colnago Dream but sold that. Best handling bike I’ve ever ridden.

MTB is the newest acquisition, a stock Vitus Nucleus 27.5+ that I haven’t gotten around to fitting a dropper to yet. Hardly taken it out!


Those fixed gears are gorgeous :heart_eyes:

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yep! i have a flip-flop hub and have a 17 cog if i do want to ride fixed!

here’s a photo of mine! taken the day after i got it, or possibly even the day i brought it home.


The black one is called ‘Scrape-the-Fascist’. I use it to survive the almost daily, brutal, sometimes near-fatal encounters in heavy crosstown traffic. It also deals well with heavy rain.

The bluish/purple one next to it (STB 800) is called ‘Mothball’. It used to be my grandmother’s touring bike, and was the intermediary between my black 80s Koga-Miyata (which was stolen from me 3 years ago) and the new black one.

Good luck to all cyclists!


WOW! can’t decide if I like the Feather or the Bob Jackson more. both incredible, and very classic builds! kudos!


wanted to buy a cube bike too this year, but it was a bad year for buying a bike, everything sold out …

My homemade city bike with coaster brake. Originaly it has a fixed Wheel (i’m not sure of the english translation :wink: ) but i can’t ride with it!


Stuff still is — I’m getting told some time in '22 for Tubus racks, and I put my order in months ago; new orders are already into '23. Same across the board for components.

I used to obsess over Bob Jackson frames. I had the privilege of a frame fit at their workshop and my frame was made by the guy who had worked there for over 50 years. Well, I say ‘guy’ when I clearly mean master frame builder.

On the flipside I now obsess over 8bar frames. Anyone have one?


Shit man, your bookshop looks like a dream!

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HAve you checked out Thorn bikes? Not sure how easy to get if you don’t live in the UK, but they make proper harcore touring bikes, including with front suspension.

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