Are 64 step enough?

Apart from chaining patterns, are 64 step enough, for you? Somehow I wish the mighty A4 had the same OT advanced sequencer engine, I mean different track scale…Anyway great machine, I’m enjoying ‘her’ a lot!

64 steps are enough for me, but it would be awesome to set a pattern to 1/2 speed so it runs for 8 bars. Indeed like the octa.

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I would love to be able to set individual track lengths. I can do this by sending MIDI from the OT to A4, but I hope it will be added to the A4 sequencer. It’s a great way to give a pattern a lot of depth.


Independent track scaling multiplier would be only a matter of time. Perhaps explore Pattern Chaining in the mean time.

You can set individual track lengths on the A4! :joy: If you get into the scale setup you can have e.g. one track that runs for 16 steps and another that runs for 12. Isn’t that what you’re talking about?

It takes a bit of messing with the values in the master column and a little bit of head scratching and finger counting, but it’s even possible to work it out so that the shorter pattern doesn’t re-trigger at the wrong time - i.e. the pattern plays fully every time. And you can fix it so that it doesn’t mess up your pattern chaining, too.

Or did I misunderstand what you’re thinking of?

And +1 on having tracks run at different speeds.

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yes that could be a solution but definitely need all 64 steps running at different speeds. 10Q for your tip scrag!

Oh sorry, I meant the track multipliers like on the OT so you can have 1 track running at 2x speed for 2 bars of 32-notes and another running at 1/8 speed for 32 bars of pads.

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sometimes I find myself needing 8-bars patterns for some line or chord progression…I´d love to got this, maybe sacrifying another pattern
I mean a way to permanet link 2 patterns without having to do it each time you play them…or just enable 8-bars patterns or so…It´s just MIDI and memory…at the time this should be easy and cheap enough to be able to make 999-bars patterns…

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If you have an OT in your setup, you can use its midi tracks to come up with ‘longer’ patterns by decreasing the multiplier. I use this a lot and it works great!

OT output to A4 then THRU to MnM to MD to OP1 / Ipad.

So I can sequence all of the gear which is in the MIDI chain. Then hook up a Midi keyboard to the OT midi input - you are sorted. :alien:

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yes, of course there is some workarounds but I´d preffer a more elegant solution like just have longer patterns…is it so hard to achieve? machines like korg emx/esx got 8-bar patterns and cost less than half any elektron gear

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Per track clock divider simply must be planned for the Analog Four.

I refuse to believe that the OT having it is the reason that it’s not available in the A4. That would be funny/sad.

Could somebody please explain this in detail? I can’t seem to get this set up working properly. I have OT midi out to a4 thru to MDUW thru to eventide space. I would like to add my mpk25 to the beginning (mpk25 out to OT in) and have control of a4 via active channel. I’m not necessarily concerned with controlling anything on the OT or MDUW with the Mpk (at this time). I would also love to have the OT midi control the relative multiplier speed of the a4 + mduw via the above mentioned method.

Everytime I plug my Mpk into the OT, crazy shit happens. Heh. It’s obviously a setting somewhere that I’m missing. Currently if I want to control the a4 with the Mpk I have to have the a4 as master and midi out to OT , OT out to eventide space, OT thru to MDUW, and MDUW thru to my buddies a4 for transport and clock. Oh. Yes, all of this has to work with 5 elektrons total. My set up as described above, plus another a4 and MDUW tacked on to the end.


Me too, but this is not an option for people who don’t own the OT. Also, sometimes I like to sequence on the A4 separately from the OT (maybe I want to use the OT MIDI out to other gear, and the A4 does have it’s own tasty sequencer), and it’s a drag to find that there’s no track multiplier yet. It’s super-easy to do from a technical standpoint, so I see no reason not to.

IhateDekeReed, look in the OT’s setup page and check that you’re not sending out Continuous Controller data from the audio side of the OT, by default it sends that out the MIDI port and most of it does not match up with other gear (eg you tweak the cross-fader on the OT and the A4 goes out of tune :sob: )

Yes… changing the scale step resolution per synth track would be awesome. A lot of people have requested this.
and… the A4 is definitely a woman and the machinedrum is a man:)

Individual scale setups for each track is still the addition I’m most desperate to see. I don’t have an OT at present, and even if I did I would want to use the A4’s step sequencer to sequence itself. Not least so I can make full use of p-locks on my patterns. :slight_smile:

YES! thats it!
I’ll stick a Virus in stead of an iPadat the end!
Since I’ve got the A4, I feel overwhelmed by the possibilities. I actually wish the OT had a 3rd pair of audio imputs:slight_smile:
… no I’cant afford a second OT.

Another +1 for per-track scale settings. It seems such a shame to have to use an external sequencer to achieve the same thing.

Me too i wish Elektron implement scale divider per track but right now i am using pattern chaining to record on 2 patterns.
When chaining pattern (pat A and B for example) you can record on 2 * 64 steps.

Though i was using 48 steps on 2 chained patterns and it was a little buggy when real time recording my live playing.

hi everyone just brought my a4 and new to this I can get 16 patterns in bank a and 16 patterns in bank b and nothing in banks c d e f g h is this so only in the manual it says that there are 128 patterns 16 in each bank, or have I got it wrong thankfull for any guys john