Are 64 step enough?

Don’t worry ipswitch, your patterns are all there!
It’s just that bank A B are loaded with presets demo patterns (that I deleted after a quick audition), while the others are empty for you to fill them.
That’s the beauty of a4: since I have it I no longer waste time browsing presets in vain search of inspiration. I just sculpt the sound I like from the raw osc in less than a minute.
Just do an empty reset and start exploring…

hi polden thanks ever so much for your help I appreciate it will now start exploring it,s a great machine thankyou again john

Dear Elektron.

Please implement individual track speed on the next OS update for the Analog Four, Keys and Rytm.

Best regards Mats.

Ps. Your machines is some serious masterpieces.

I’d love individual track speed to. I’m not a technician but could it be that this is not possible because it’s a cv-sequencer. ( I’ve noticed when 2 steps come very close it’s like they blend). Being used to midi we tend to expect the same features - but i suppose it’s a total different technology.
If I remenber well the max BPM is 300 - imagine a track running at 4x or 8x speed - can a CV-sequencer ( including locks ) hold up with good results?
The way i see it - midi is digital - CV is electric- and maybe implementing different track-speed demands a lot more technology - witch would have made this devices a more expensive.
I’ m only guessing ofcourse buth it’s very easy to say that they should have done this or that, without understanding wat this would demand on the technical side. If it would be easy to implement diff. tr. speed why wouln’d they?
To me something digital is virtual. In virtual reality whe don’t have to take account of fysical laws. Once things become material they are limited these laws.So maybe it’s understandeble that the A4 - AK - dont’t have the same sequencer options as the OT ?
I’d like to really understand but i don’t don’t have the skills.
Still i’d love Different track-speeds and I hope i’m wrong and that it’s just a matter of digital programmation.

As I stated here probably more than once, yes I constantly hit this barrier. I really need this feature, especially since I started playing live with my A4. Pattern chains are not an option to me, they don’t work very well with polyrhythms that I use a lot.

Elektron, come on… there’d be so much love! :kiss: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yup, I’ve hit this wall many times (wish you could reverse & fast forward through long patterns on the OT)

–> Grown up sequencing for a grown up machine?

I don’t like chains and songs are pretty tedious to set up.

Maybe if there was a different and more user friendly way of composing songs and longer loops.

For example to make a quick song you simply tap them out on the step keys in order and tap frequency whilst holding shift & song (rather than the current entry mode). Then toggle whether to loop the song or not.


For a properly resolving 16 bars, I’d ideally like 256.

…which is why I have to use DAWs for a lot of my stuff. :slight_smile:

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64 steps is a huge limitation, I wish it could be set to be much, much longer than that. 256 would be great since 16 bars is such a nice division for developmental music. But as long as possible please, so we can choose how long we want a section to be, not constrained by an artificial limitation. Chains are a PITA to keep track of and Song mode seems so archaic.


oh yes that would be fantastic.

You guys are spoiled. I’ve lived with 32 steps on the MDUW, for years, and I’m only now feeling limited because I’m so used to the A4’s awesome sequencer.

Having 64-steps is so flexible. Think of how many ways you have for extending that:
[li]Individual step length[/li]
[li]Master pattern length[/li]
[li]Master pattern reset[/li]
[li]Arpeggiator time/speed[/li]

Still, individual clock dividers per track would be a welcome addition.

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+1 for individual clock dividers per track.

this is still my #1 feature request

another cool trick for more than 64 steps out of of one shots is use the LFO to affecting level. then use a square wave to control the volume and make sure you set the wave to a timing that last at-least 64 steps. the square wave down cycle will make the the first 64 steps 0 volume and the next 64 steps 100% volume, or vise versa.

I use this trick for stabs, snares, claps, sound FX ect…

But yea it would be sweet to have more than 64 steps

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I know about the problem… but ey

there is a little workaround using the arp

As you all know the arp-speed or arp-division can be different from the actual track/pattern-speed

second: the arp-submenu contains another stepper, only max 16 but enough

just set a note with 16 steps length, range 1, speed whatever and set the notes in the arp-stepsequencer

Of course you cannot set the individual length for a step in the arp-stepper, only global in the arp menu

Hope this will help you


Also, the Arp doesn’t have swing, even if the track it’s on does.

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Apparently still not implemented on the Analog Four MKII. Is there a roadmap somewhere?

No. Elektron only rarely pre-announces feature updates.

I know this is a little ot, but is it possible to use the OT to divide track lengths on a sequenced AR track? So, not dividing the OT MIDI track, but dividing the sequenced AR track…

I’m not seeing anyway this would be possible…

Bye the way, I want track length assignable to performance pads on Rytm and scenes for OT! :wink: