Are 64 step enough?

Can’t this be done by plocking CCs?

Not that I know of, but if you figure it out do tell…

Definitely. Wish I could post a video. Such pretty colors…

Set OT MIDI track to AR Perf Channel. Set some trigless trigs and plock the specific Performance CC (35-47) value. Divide track to taste.


Same, just plocking the CC92 value from 1-12.

edit: sorry! Scenes for OT, you said. I mean, I’m not positive on that, but I expect it could be done with MIDI loopback.

+1 Yes, I’d really love “a way to permanently link 2 patterns”. Currently to do this AFAIK I have to press BANK and press the two trigs together, which would be alright but then I have to disable chain mode then line up the next pattern to get back to the jam, so it’s not ideal.

I’d like to set a pattern button to always play two (or more) patterns in sequence, e.g. pressing A3 would always play A3 and then A4, until you play a different pattern. This would mean any length of pattern would be possible while staying within the sequencer’s current abilities (via chains).

It’s been 10 years since this thread, so someone could show me a handy work around for this :slight_smile:

16 steps is all I need 95% of the time…
But I have four electron machines to play with.
It’s hard enough to get all tracks to flow together with 16 steps…
There is plenty of dynamic that can be achieved with the trig conditions + the fills.
On the other hand, I never do melodic stuff so maybe this works only with a more percussive approach.

i love Elejtron sequencer, but i want 128.


Actually you can achieve something like this with certain tricks: making your slower parts like long basslines and slower kick/hat combos to 1/8th time; and using conditional or randomized trigs in certain areas. Actually there’s a few vids out on this exact topic from folks like EZBOT and others.

Also note the OT and some others you can set max length to 128, so the entire sequence regardless of conditions placed will turn over fresh at the 128th

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Funnily, I use less and less steps. Like, 8 steps with a lot of 5:6 etc. This uses 6 steps most of the time. I’m not a fan of random % though, but I try to be open for it …


I think 64 is a good number for the format, which is pretty abstract.

Unlike music notation, in which you can see pitch and rhythmic information in an instant, the grid sequencer on Elektron devices only shows you a rhythmic position and you have to look at the screen for pitch and note length information.

I would get tangled and confused if patterns were substantially bigger than 64. Although I’d be open to 128 if each bar of 16 had its own button to access quickly.


I had the old electribes with 128 steps, bit of a ball ache sometimes paging through and editing.
64 with conditional trigs is a much cleaner quicker way.


No, I generally need 65 steps.

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Yeah but you’re just needy.

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Yeah, I needy 65 steps.

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yeah, i know.
however, i need 16th notes, so 8th notes trick doesn’t work for me.
i would be happy with 64 steps if trigs could work like «either play this note by default or that note on certain condition». unfortunately, they don’t work that way, only «either play a note or not».


I would really like to see Elektron adapt one trick of the Deluge, where you can play several notes at the same time but then plock each note individually. Should be doable on any Elektron that shows you notes per step, e.g. A4 or DN.


isn’t that sort of what neighbour trigs do. ( I mean, not exactly, it’s a bit fiddly and no good if your pattern is all full up)

yeah, Elektron sequencer is cool for rhythms and textures, but could be cooler for tunes.
at least, choosing between value 1 and value 2 is unlikely more difficult to implement than choosing between 0 and 1.
rhythms and textures is not enought for some of us, since we still rely on that boring pitched notes :tongue:


I’d love that, like play this note the first time around and this other note the second time. What I’d also love is just a way to connect two pattens together permanently (without having to enter/exit chain mode or song mode) so that you’d basically have 128 step long patterns whenever you please, e.g. when I launch A1 always play a chain of A1+A2 together.


I feel like it’s enough for rhythms and (sometimes) simple basslines but if I plan to use chord progressions or melodies I’ll need to chain patterns; not impossible but a pain to record or program, so at that point I’ll probably turn to a DAW if I want a finished track or prepare to play the line by hand if not. Using track scaling could stretch things, but that makes grace notes a pain.

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oh yeah, i use MC-101/MC-707 with clip/scene chains, and certainly miss that on my Syntakt.

i would be fine even if patterns could be triggered via some kind of MIDI message – so workaround would be pretty easy.

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