Are the prices from the MDs gonna drop couz of the Syntakt?

What are your bets?
Do you think MD prices are gonna drop couz of the Syntakt?
How about the ARytms prices?
Do your bets, and maybe, tell us your thoughts too :wink:

Doubt it.

Syntakt isnā€™t very similar to MD and doesnā€™t have itā€™s unobtainable collectability.

Might make a slight sent in AR but not much I would have thought, theyā€™re still pretty different things.


Donā€™t think itā€™ll have an effect on MD prices. Like @Fin25 said, very different devices in many respects.

Have seen some really good second hand deals on Rytm mk1 (500ā‚¬), Digitone (450ā‚¬) and even Digitakt (470ā‚¬) this week, which are probably from people eager to get their hands on the Syntakt.


ā€¦nopeā€¦md became too much of an collectors item, with too much history attached to itā€™s nameā€¦mnm hype will flatten a little, thoughā€¦but also not reallyā€¦

but iā€™m also pretty convinced, the syntakt is here to stay and will, one day, also become a cult classic with rising 2nd hand pricetagsā€¦well, only if the world still exists at least half the way as we know it nowā€¦


Donā€™t count on it.


canā€™t do this on a syntakt

MD secret guiro mode


dont think its gonna happen. md and mnm are into vintage classic realm.

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MD=ā€œthe shitā€ love mine dearly. Am so getting ST though. Paired with A4mk1,MD,DT as my heart, what could go wrong?

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Very unlikely. Besides the way it sounds a huge part of its charm is the way itā€™s structured, meaning the freedom to patch it in so many creative ways.
In fact now itā€™s even less of a possibility Iā€™m ever parting with mine.

Thereā€™s nothing else like it, never will be.


I do think itā€™ll eat into desire for MD/MnM, Iā€™d certainly rather take a Syntakt out to perform with over either.

Price and demand are not ā€œrationalā€ in a land where hucksters can charge the gullible stupid amounts for screenshots of ugly-ass monkey JPEGs so who knows. The price may even go up after release.


I donā€™t see the supply/demand relationship changing in that direction, thanks to Syntakt.

If anything, it might bring more folks into the Elektron world and create more demand down the road.

But itā€™s all speculation. If you want one, buy one now.


I own a MD UW MK2 and I would love it if the price decreased a bit because it would make me less nervous taking my MD out to gigs. If anything happens to my Machinedrum it would be hard for me to afford to replace it (I bought it for $650 right before prices went crazy). I wonā€™t hold my breath though - it seems like the high prices are here to stay.


I suspect the opposite. Iā€™ve got a MD, and like @Hinterlands, I would be concerned about gigging with it. I could see buying a Syntakt in addition to my MD, though.

Some Syntakt owners will either trade up to a MD, or add an MD. Syntakt will only add to the mystique and esteem of the MD, driving demand and thus prices up.


Can you post the sysex file for that?

Also: can you change the timbre if you eat a sticky bun before playing?

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I sold my UW+ a year ago and have been looking for similar Elektron gear. The Syntakt + Digitak seem to be the new combo to counter what the UW+ was and still is.

Is this true? The sampling on UW+ was very limited and was reason I sold hoping for a new MD with better sampling but this never really came trueā€¦

Nothing else interests me unless its a new MD or if combo stated above will give me same functionality with newer tech and storage capabilities.

i could but itā€™s 3Tb in size.

sticky bun works well, i also recommend peanut butter.


I would say the real combo to replace it is Syntakt + Octatrack. Digitakt wonā€™t provide you with live resamplingā€¦

thanks, I never really used the live sampling on MD but have exhausted its stored sampling capabilities. Id only ever really live sample a vinyl but at that point id just record the section and send to device.

I see Digitakt has 1gb hard storage which is MORE than enough IF it can accept mp3s rather than only wav files like MD. Id use my same workflow but facilitated with modern tech a usb cable rather than the TM1, converting and low storage limits.

If this is the case for digitakt, mp3s accepted then my prayers will be answered as the Syntakt seems to take the MD synthesis capabilities to a whole new level. This was another thing I exhausted to its limit via parameter locks.


It accepts mp3 in the Transfer app, but all audio is converted to Wav mono, 16 bits I think.

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beautiful, that was the simplicity I was looking for. Mono 16bits will give me a similar crunchy sound to the MD. Thanks for the info smartkid.

Now I will wait for a steal on a used digitakt and a used Syntakt for 200$ less in 2-3 months once ppl start selling em for not being ā€œgood enoughā€.


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