Arturia KeyStep 37

Yes it is big… but it’s not built around just ableton live either, it’s designed to work with hardware and also other daws

seems like a great upgrade to the original, especially with the strum feature and the additional knobs. i’ll probably get one if they release it in black.
it’s probably the least important thing in the world right now, but i’m baffled that they continue to release these things in white, when everyone would prefer a black unit (at least that’s the impression i get from forums/youtube/etc).


…with little namable screens.

Now you’re just trying to turn me on

Someone is insistent on making white studio hardware a thing. It completely stands out with ANYTHING ELSE on the market, but maybe that’s the point? Becomes immediately noticeable on videos for marketing purposes.

Maybe I’ll try out a Cuckoo-style acrylic art attempt on my original Keystep, and if I break it in the process, just upgrade to one of these, ha


YES! Those were, honestly, my only complaints - USB plug, and an on/off switch. Everything else is a really great upgrade temptation! I really like the scales feature. I have that on Ableton Push, but not in a standard manual. It’s helpful for my brain… translating sax to keys and back is slow for a half-assed keys player like muhself

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Tempo display is something I really miss on the OG, nice upgrade.

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Exactly. Apple did this with iPod headphones and let’s face it, it was a genius marketing move. Everybody notices, and lots of people copy.

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I’m in love. Can’t wait.

whether you like this specific style or not, Arturia has really stepped up their demo-game:

haven’t seen such a good official product demo in some time, especially not from Arturia :laughing:

Please make this black!


And PolyAT…

Ahah, my second-hand Keystep arrived three days ago :rofl: Fortunately it’s the black model :slightly_smiling_face:

Right, I’ve calmed down now and realise I won’t be getting this. It would’ve been made for me if there’d been more than one track and more than eight patterns.

I get why it’s not - the original concept but just more of the good stuff, and also plenty of space between this and the Pro version - but I don’t need all that jazz. I just need couple o’ more tracks. Couple o’ more patterns. Then I’m good. The Pro format is kind of bulky and I love this format. To have a flexible environment for compositions in this size and shape, that’d be like awesome and stuff.

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good as always. I need this HSD patches too :smiley:

This vs. the Digitone Keys Sequencer?? Hm …

Does the Arturia has aftertouch?

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Yes indeed. Not poly-AT though.

What advantages does this have over the new launchkey 37? I wonder if they’ve improved the feel of the keybed, the original keystep was terrible

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I will get mine tomorrow :slight_smile:

anyone receive theirs yet? Im still waiting for it to clear customs :sleepy:

I got one. I’ve never used any of them before but the keyboard is really bad imo. My Korg ms20 mini has better keys.
The strum and octave function is cool, but I need to rtfm to learn the rest.
You can use a full size keyboard via midi in to change pattern/Arp key(I think) or to just bypass the mini keys. Seems a bit silly to plug a midi controller into a midi controller, but I think that’s what I might end up doing.