Arturia KeyStep 37

I need a new midi controller and I’ve settled on either the keystep 37 or the launchkey 37. I’ll be using it plugged into my OT and to control a couple of hardware synths. I’m not a keys player so full size keys doesn’t make much of a difference for me. Can anyone comment on these controllers and offer any advice?

I couldn’t stand the feel of the keys on the original keystep. Not sure if they improved it on this one. Launchkey is a bit bigger but will feel nicer and has real wheels for mod/pitch.

i like the look of launchkey but… why no aftertouch?

I have a Keystep 37. When I bought it, it happened to be on sale. So far it works as advertised - a small velocity and aftertouch responsive controller that works with my iPad, B. Pro-1, and Roland MC-101 as expected. Switching channels is very easy.

Lauchkey 37 appears to have the advantage of velocity sensitive pads in addition to the keys. OTOH, it doesn’t appear to have CV jacks like the Keystep and the keys are not advertised as being aftertouch responsive. Also while it has an arpeggiator, it doesn’t have a sequencer like the Keystep.

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Keystep 37:

  • more compact
  • CV out
  • rudimentary sequencer
  • nice keybed
  • aftertouch

Launchkey 37:

  • more knobs
  • 16 pads
  • excellent Ableton Live integration
  • physical pitchbend & mod wheels

Personally, I’m a keystep fan as the keybed is super playable at that small size. If you don’t mind the extra size, the Launchkey gives you more controls for a similar price.

What’s important to you? What are you looking for in a controller?


I just got one, and I can’t figure out how to start the arpeggiator. Firmware is updated to 1.0.4, it’s USB plugged into my mioXL, the clock switches are set to internal, the switch is set to Arp, I press Play/Pause and it blinks, then I play and it’s just regular playing no arp.

Step recording a sequence also doesn’t work. First off, in Seq mode, the rate knob has no effect and neither does the Tap button. The readout just permanently says “30.” When I press the record button, it says “rec,” and the number advances for each note played. After I hit stop, I press the play button and nothing happens.

I must be missing something simple because the other functions (chord and CC) seem to all work correctly. I tried toggling the setting switches and power cycling, but the arp and sequencer never work, and the rate knob always leaves the readout at 30. I tried resetting, and that seemed to proceed correctly (the readout said “rst”), but I can’t tell what’s been reset, and the firmware remains updated to 1.0.4. Any suggestions?

LATER: Oh, great, it’s now stuck in bootloader mode. I tried updating the firmware again, and now the update quits with “firmware file CRC error” at 3% installed even though MCC says the firmware is downloaded correctly before you can even send it to the Keystep. I’m following all the instructions here, but I can’t get the thing out of bootloader mode, and I can’t find any hard reset instructions.

A LITTLE BIT LATER: It’s fixed. I tried the firmware upgrade on my Big Sur laptop (the first one was Catalina), and it worked. I wouldn’t bet that the operating system made the difference because it looks like any leftover MIDI info in your system’s database can interfere with the update, at least Arturia implies that by saying to unhook everything and create a new profile in Audio MIDI Setup. I guess I should have tried rebooting the laptop, too, but I just switched to the other one and got the KeyStep back. Then I saw my idiot move: I read the clock switches on the back panel backwards and was in fact not set to internal. I thought black was the indicated color on the diagram, then I saw white was actually a kind of image of the switch and black stood for empty.

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I’ve never understood this design choice. Just asking for confusion. Glad you’ve got it working!

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It’s pretty useful: very convenient improvements over the KeyStep, with LED’s to let you know the state, those CC controls, and strum function., which are the things I got it for, plus another octave without getting too large. I’m finding this keybed much more pleasant to play on—did Arturia improve it? I haven’t had my KeySteps out in quite some time, and they’re in another location, so I can’t compare right now.

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Just ordered one for £102.00 at Bax

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It’s in black now!


Anyone in the market for a gently used white Keystep 37? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


As soon as I buy one. Ugh. On the other hand, wishing for a slightly sexier Arturia is like choosing a goat over a mule.

Anyone got a link to a suitable power supply at Amazon. Cheers.

I don’t use Ama **** but found this at Thomann that works.
An adapter with the same specifications is suitable…
12V Dc / 1.5 A / + in center


Cool. Thanks for that.

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Just got a black edition 37. I like the sequencer.


There’s very little said about the Keystep 37. I wonder if it’s because it’s viewed as the middle child of the Keystep and Keystep Pro. It came out at a relatively low price point considering the features. The arp is as good as always, however the chord/strum modes with those four additional knobs that can also be used as generic MIDI controllers, along with the improved USB power port, an actual on/off switch, the extra keys and the lights above the notes really elevate the 37 into perhaps the best keyboard/sequencer combo on the market!

I had an OG Keystep and loved it, only sold as I got a Reface CP instead which sent MIDI and sounded wonderful standalone. For a while I’ve been without any keys because I’ve used the DT or Live clips to sequence stuff but the extra features and price of the Keystep 37 have reeled me back in. Now I’m waiting for it to arrive. Found it on Bax for £115 after a coupon code was applied to the existing discount, which for brand new is pretty amazing.


What impressed me the most was the weight, the materials and the build quality.


I really enjoy it!

I use a Moog Theremini bag to carry my KS37 and a large power-strip.
It’s cheap, not Moog quality at all, but I’ve had it for 4 years of weekly use and it’s still not broken…

I think it’s this one but I can’t see the length of it:


Nice, thanks for the advice! I’m not in the market for a bag right now but I’d snap that up if I were moving house and didn’t have a box to put it in.

Looking forward to mine arriving, though it may be usurped once the Oxi One ships. :smiley:

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