Arturia keystep pro

anyone know if there is a way for chord mode to input all the notes to the sequencer? it only records the note i’m actually playing, not the rest of the chord

New Firmware 1.2.6

Improvements were made including:

  • Notes at the MIDI In are now processed as if they were played on the keys.
  • Patterns can now be changed while record is ON, so you can build several patterns at once.
  • The drum track time division can be stored per pattern.
  • You can now jump back to the internal clock after having been synced to an external source.
  • Fix to real-time record count-in, notes played prior to record start are kept.
  • Synchronization accuracy has been improved.
  • New screen messages have been added in some places to improve workflow.

For the competitive product, the most recent Novation SLM3 v1.4 release was a lot more impressive.

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Does this means it’s now possible to plug another sequencer’s MIDI out (eg. OT/DT/DN) into the KSP MIDI in and play/sequence external gear from KSP and the external sequencer at the same time? If so, let polyrhythmic mayhem ensue.

It will probably come down to space/size or preference for FS/mini keys.
SLM3 is great keyboard and Novation’s reputation for ongoing updates continues to add a lot of features.


Yeah that and the CV.
The SLM3 has:

  • Pitch-Gate-Mod for two channels
  • Clock Out

The Keystep Pro has:

  • Pitch-Gate-Mod for four channels
  • Clock In, Out, and Reset Out
  • Eight Drum Gates

So if you are using Eurorack, or like using CV to control external stuff, the Keystep Pro has a lot of advantages.

Add cost as a considerations too.

Loopop in his review of the Keystep Pro did a very short comparison of the two which i’ve queued up. But one of the differences he points out, the multiple arpeggio advantage of the Keystep Pro went away, with the new firmware v1.4 from Novation.

The 8 tracks of arpeggios on the SL is a major improvement plus all the additional features they’ve added make the choice a lot harder…

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I have one on backorder mainly to use as a midi to CV converter with a load of extras for not much more, and in some cases less than the cost of a decent midi to CV converter, with the added bonus of not taking up any valuable hp.


I’ve had a KSP since May 31st. There are positives and negatives from my point of view. Been using it to sequence my modular. The 8 drum triggers are awesome to have. It’s easy to learn and works…ok.
I’ve been on the fence the whole time, but do love the convenience of getting ideas up and running quickly.

A problem occurred today where track 3 isn’t working and I can’t figure out why. I didn’t change a single thing, so I’m a bit stumped

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Does any of the KSP owners have the issue aswell that in Step Record Mode when you have a Scale like C Major selected and you press a key (outside of the scale, like C#) that the complet Step Record Mode wont work anymore?

Also that when you want to Tie a note that it doesnt work and wont progress to the step after the tie.

I saw a lot of people at GS saying their Keystep standards broke quite quickly, anyone here have that issues? I was deciding between Keystep(basic) and NI m32 but I’ll have to take a look into these.

I haven’t had issues but I’m pretty anal retentive with my gear.

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Mine is still fine, but it is lightly used and I rarely unplug/plug the little USB connector around back (these jacks are prone to breakage).

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My original is still working great. Fingers crossed.

My Keystep is giving in. Some keys respond slowly and the USB port doesn’t quite hold the grip anymore.

Sounds like the contacts need cleaning.
You’d have to disassemble it though.

Trim an acid brush so the bristles are more stiff. Then brush the contacts with Denatured Alcohol (preferably 90% or more).
Then re-assemble.

USB port might just be easiest to replace if you can solder. You might be able to bend the USB frame “springs” (cutouts in the usb metal frame) back in a little to get the grip back. You’d probably want to clean the USB contacts with some deoxit while you were in there.

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Thanks :blush: I once shut down our entire building when all I (thought) I did was changing a light bulb. I’ll most likely nuke the neighbourhood if I try what you’re suggesting.


Haha, fair enough :slight_smile:

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I’ve been getting ready to sell a bunch of stuff I’m not using and I think I’ll pick one of the KeyStep Pro’s up to give it a go.

When I built my studio desk I made a keyboard tray and this seems like it would fit nicely.

I have my Digitone keys off to the side with my hardware synths. So this would be for software and some of my stuff with CV.

I like the idea of the sequencer stuff and arpeggiator for quickly writing parts that I can record into Ableton later.

Hopefully the keys are okay (never used the original).

They’re okay, but they’re real tiny fellers, even for my diminutive fingers. Not great for playing, but if you use it mostly to input sequences they do the trick

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Is it because it’s hard to hit the right key or because of the response of the keys?

I have very dexterous and nimble fingers.

A little bit of both I think. It gets a bit cramped, but if you play it for a while you get used to it. But the action certainly isn’t the best either. All that said, they’re fully functional, but wouldn’t be my first choice for a main keyboard. Recommend giving it a test before buying

Edit: and congrats on your sweet fingers :smiley:

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