Arturia MicroFreak

What’s wrong with using the MI name? It is the MI code and creation, and Arturia is giving recognition. This can only be a good thing for MI in my opinion, there is no downside for them.


Anyone French here? Whas’s up with personality rights there? A quick cease and desist letter in the states would take care of it.

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I think it’s a double edged sword.

It brings attention to MI, but also serves to sell the synth

Well simply put cause the MI developer is upset.

But in any case cause there was no collab and it’s not an MI product.

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You’re right of course, but won’t it also help to sell MI products and bring people to MI who have no experience with them? Won’t people who get into modular after buying this synth be more likely to buy MI modules? And, what’s wrong with selling synths?

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That should be up to MI to decide.

Nothing just dont do it off someone else’s (In this case pristine) name.

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If you don’t like that particular something, you would not want your name associated. Movie directors for instance have there names removed from the credits when the producers do things they don’t approve of.


At first glance I thought: “Yes, finally an, AniMoog keyboard in real life!!!” But then… it wasn’t. When is someone going to make that? This thing looks and sounds nice tough, but it didn’t quite reach me yet.
AniMoog keyboard… yeah. Dream on.
Does it exist by the way?

I don’t see their comments as upset, more like disappointed that they weren’t more involved in the design of the entire product. I can understand that completely, but I don’t think there’s a feud beginning :joy:



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well, this makes it quite clear i guess:


Ugh, that’s good to know. I’ve missed speaking with him. <3 I can’t find him on Facebook anymore, etc.

Lmfao that’s awesome :slight_smile: I’d love to see the end result.

RE: visuals. Dude. Same. I’ve been building a pretty extensive patch to accompany xuiqen’s performances in Jitter since the release of Max 8. (Finally purchased. <3 — so much love.)

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There are versions of open source like that, it’s totally up to the person who owns the code what the terms of use are. Seems like the only potential issue is that they used the MI name but it sounds like they did speak to her and presumably it wasn’t a total shock when they used the name.

I agree it sounds a bit odd from what we’ve heard but they’ve not done anything too wrong in my view unless they did not discuss using the name in promo material, hopefully Arturia can straighten this up and/or resolve to her satisfaction as I really want this synth but don’t like buying things without a clear conscience :joy:

Certainly, and that’s valid, but does the MI developer not like the synth? It seems like a unique product and the sound demos are really interesting.

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Disappointed is not how I would contextualize “what pisses me off”

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That’s basically where I land on it, too.

But there’s certainly merit to the alternative viewpoints as well

My guess is that if enough of a furor is raised, by the time this synth reaches the masses in Spring, Arturia will simply remove the references to Mutable Instruments on their site and in the advertising, and they may even replace the artwork on the synth itself. That way, the only issue left is the code which is open source and not a problem. The problem right now is that it is being advertised as being a “collaboration”, and based on Emilie’s comments, this clearly was not the case. At the very least, this is a misleading business practice and could possibly be illegal depending whose laws govern here. (And, yes, I am an attorney unfortunately lol).


It doesn’t seem to menshe was all too fussed about not having a say in the development but that they used the name when she didn’t have a say.

Or work out the agreement with MI. That happens all the time, post agreement adjustments.