Arturia MicroFreak

Right. And if that were to happen I personally would probably be back on board.

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Yeah i didn’t think she sounded upset either. More just implying the end result wasn’t what they’d have wanted.

You don’t release something open source if you aren’t cool with people using it however the licence allows, it’s very common in the coding world - people either do it for self promotion (eg if you write some popular open source code that is used everywhere big companies are sure to want to hire you for big money) or because they want other people to collobrate on it, or for altruistic reasons (eg they believe software should be “free as in freedom”), or just for the fun of seeing your creation being used out in the world!


Agreed. The one issue that confuses me here is that Arturia is using the Mutable Instruments’ logo in their advertising. This would seem to be an absolute “no way” unless there already was some agreement in place between Arturia and MI and makes me wonder if there already is some kind of agreement.

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Nice. Allmost. But I meant a real physical version of that AniMoog touch-type up-down and sideways keyboard. Multi finger glide and expression. I guess Continuum is the closest.

No I know I was joking.

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I don’t think she’s upset they used the code, I think she’s upset that they said it’s a collab
Good synth though …


If it was my code and my creation, and was used in something cool like this synth, I would prefer to have my name credited. I can see the merit in the other viewpoint as well though. No one here is wrong, and hopefully Arturia had no ill intentions to begin with and is communicating with MI to make it right for them after seeing their feelings expressed publicly.


“However the license allows” sure but this isn’t about the license it’s about the MI name.

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Yeah sure that’s cool by you but it needs to be cool by MI and it’s currently not.


There’s also this thread on the MI forums, which was immediately locked with ‘no comment’

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That’s the best argument I’ve heard. Consider my opinion swayed


Yeah sorry was referring specifically to the open source bit. Not sure what the deal with the name is but I didn’t take it from her comments that they had used the name illegally

I think it would be unwise in a legal sense to start throwing around the word illegal

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Yeah see “no comment” is legalese for “I’m lawyerin up”

It was the Mutable Instrument name that made me really look. If Emilie didn’t collaborate as is claimed, I’m not interested in deceitful marketing or their products

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Ok, I’m convinced… I LIKE IT!

I’m looking for the MI logo in their marketing and on their page but I’m not seeing it? Does anyone have a link?

Check the details section on the product page scroll down.

On closer look that strip even LOOKS like a rip off of MI graphics. Pathetic.

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Currently on the details page:

“teamed up” “We love to collaborate” “collaboration between”…

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Yeah, the more I’m reading about this “collaboration” the more annoyed I’m getting.

No collaboration and no shared profit. It even sounds like the fixed focus group MI was invited to was just a show so they could say it was a collaboration

Is Arturia the new Behringer now?