Arturia MicroFreak

Tried searching in this thread, but had trouble finding anything related to my issue. Has anyone else had any issues with the arp / sequencer not sounding? If I try a preset with a sequence or arp active, I don’t get any sound when I hit the keys, or even when I press play. I’ve tried inputting a new sequence, but when I press play, nothing happens. I believe I’m on the current firmware. Other than that, I’m not sure what else to try, perhaps my MIDI settings are doing something weird? I purchased the unit second-hand on Reverb, so I’m not sure if I’m still eligible for a warranty.

Check your sync settings. Make sure it’s set yo internal

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Probably nothing wrong with the unit. You might try reading the Arpeggiator section of the manual, specifically 12.2 (potentially). Just a guess, I don’t own one.

Thanks - I’ll check this out.

@Hawk - I have consulted the manual, as well as watched a few tutorial videos. It seemed straightforward, so I should probably dig a little deeper / read more carefully.

This is a known bug. When the arpeggiator stops working, do Utility > Misc > Reset Settings. This won’t erase any patches.


Sold mine for a BS2. Replaced the MF tones with Lagrange and spectrum iOS.

I went the other way, sold my BS2 for the Microfreak. (I have a Peak so all good)

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Just got a second hand one.
Very intuitive but I am having issues with MIDI Sync setup.
Can’t play the MF from my KeyStep.
Neither can I from my DT.
Furthermore when I turn my Volcas on, Maschine Jam crashes and KeyStep switches off…
No idea. I have tried to look into the MIDI, Clock and Sync menus, but to no avail.
Just a precision: when MF is not plugged into USB hub, all is good.

Do you power it over usb?

No, from AC adaptor.

It reads like something sucks too much power, as silly as it sounds.
Tried to connect only keystep and mf alone?

Going to try to scale down all MIDI/electric connections and reconnect one thing at a time. Will see.
Nevertheless, I tried last night with only KeyStep and MF: no luck.

I have lagrange, microfreak and bs2. Keeping them all. lol

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this is strange.
din cable changed it its broken? factory reset on mf, look into menu what midi channel mf has, setting this on keystep does not work?
that is bonkers, man!
if thats the case your mf is mf’ed.

MF reset to factory settings, MIDI channel 13 both on DT and KeyStep.
KeyStep powered over USB.
What is connected to USB hub:
Maschine Jam

really, put psv onto your keystep, psv onto your mf and only connect them throu a standard din cable. Try not to use midi over usb in the next test. dont use a hub.
you need to strip down until you find the problem. maybe its the hub… or a fkn cable.

Yep. Sounds weird.
At switching a Volca on, Maschine Jam and KeyStep both go on power cycling :astonished:
Will try later and will get back :slight_smile:

do you power any of your box over usb hub?

Only ones are Maschine Jam (no other option) and KeyStep.

i suggest you put a psv into your keystep and power it that way. maybe it’s sucking hard on your hub.