Arturia MicroFreak

I don´use the blutooth adapter but if it sends a standard midi signal (and anything else would be pointless) it should work.

do any of y’all have issues with the microFreak arpeggiator muting the synth when sync is set to ‘midi?’

i can only get the arp to make sound when it’s set to ‘int’

i am updated to the current firmware and for whatever reason, transport from the octatrack is not reaching the microFreak to “trig” the arpeggiator.

it’s strange behavior. i’m in communication with Arturia but thought i’d also ask here.

my OT settings are working perfect with other external gear… just not microFreak.

Have had sync issues along with transmitting MIDI data with the MicroFreak. Sometimes unstable, amongst other things the MCC is acting weird: most of the time does not recognize MF. Sees and works fine with KeyStep though.
I believe it is a bit unstable but still works.
Arturia sent me 2 DIN MIDI adaptors as the 2 I received with MF were malfunctioning.

this could be the issue over here, too.


I’ve problems to sync my microfreak with my crave to clock. I’ve set the step random to clock on crave, and I’d like to sync microfreak to that. Otherwise my monostation and volca drum synced well to that on crave, microfreak seems to interpret some signals from clock like stop pattern. That annoys me because I’d like to create a random pseudo-generative on this way, but with this behavior of microfreak it’s impossible.
Someone try this successfully or knows what happen ?


Thinking aloud here but I’ve got a feeling they use trs mini jacks for some sync connections on some of their gear with clock on the tip and a start stop pulse on the ring? I don’t know why that’s just come to me! Maybe that’s what’s causing some of your sync issues? Or I might just be talking out of my hat!

I think the clock sync (no midi) is a standard trs mini jack everywhere.
My impression is Microfreak don’t interpret correctly the clock, overall when the pulse stop momentary (cause random pulse in my case) because is in that moment when microfreak stop the pattern. I guess internally have a count clock about absence of pulse to interpret stop pattern, except in that case with random pulse this count avoid the expected behavior.

I’ve just tried to recreate the issue you’re having but without success. Here’s what I did.

RD8 clock out to MF clock in.
TRS (stereo) mini jack lead.
MF sync set to clock. Division rate set to one step.

The MF locks on to the RD without issue. Keeps looping its sequence fine even if I change patters on the RD on the fly. If I change the MF division to 2 ppq the MF stays in sync but doesn’t repeat the sequence fully. It drops notes to stay in time (so it sound like 16th notes stay 16th notes rather than playing back 32nd notes)

I played about with the sync cable at the MF end. If I only partially plug it in, so the lead tip hits the socket ring, then the MF sequencer only plays single notes but t if I plug it in fully the MF plays the sequence. If I use a standard TS patch lead the MF doesn’t appear to receive the clock signal. Whatever I did I couldn’t make the MF act oddly or start/stop randomly. Obviously when I hit stop on the RD the MF sequencer stops but that’s normal behaviour. If you’ve discounted a faulty lead it might be worth having your MF looked at?

But RD8 is capable to lunch a random pulse clock? That’s the point. When I use an static pulse is ok. The problem is on random tempo pulse.

Forgive me if I misunderstand but by I don’t know what you mean by random clock pulse? Do you mean adjusting the master device tempo and the MF can’t react and keep in time? It’s the random bit I don’t get. If you insert a random (ie extra or out of sync) pulse to you’re timing clock signal then the slave devices will react accordingly as they’re looking for a uniform pulse train to synchronise with. If that’s the case and the MF freaks out I guess that would be normal behaviour. The clock is only an analogue pulse after all. Sorry if we are at cross purposes.

I mean with crave I can assign a random pulse clock to patch the sequence pattern tempo. That means it sequence the pattern with a variable random tempo. In practice it does a pattern some steps plays fast and some steps slow, but randomly. The same pulse I’ve sent to volca drum and monostation, and those sync the clock tempo with random pulse sent from crave, but MF only stop the pattern in a moment done, and never restart like volca or monostation.

For example:

I’d like do the same in the video with Microfreak, but it doesn’t work :frowning:

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I understand now. In terms of the clock pulse train coming out of the crave it will be the equivalent of speeding and slowing the tempo. The crave will presumably be set to one step ( or equivalent ) so it just sends a pulse per step, the frequency obviously changing as the tempo is randomised. I’ve tried to mimic that behaviour by spinning the RD tempo up and down quickly but it stayed locked and didn’t stop? I know it sounds obvious but have you checked the sync settings of the MF and set it to one step? If I set mine to anything above 2ppq it will play a note or two then just stop.

Yes, I’ve checked all set up of MF, but nothing. The problem is, when you look in the video the tempo too low (it seems to stop) microfreak interpret like the send is stop, and stop the pattern, that’s the problem.

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Okay, how about going at it from the other angle… the MF will support clock resolution up to 48 ppq. Can the crave sequencer be set to a higher clock resolution (that way the MF will still receive a clock signal in between steps) I’m fairly sure the Volcas have a preset clock resolution setting.

Anyway, I’ve tested the same config with crave and monostation and works fine. The random clock is interpreted good for monostation.

V 2.0.3
New Features

New oscillator type : Noise
Chord Mode : Hold Paraphony and press keys to record Chord.
Scale quantization : In Utility settings
Sequencer : Copy Pattern A to Pattern B
Clear all Matrix routings : Shift + long encoder press


Added visual feedback when Local Control is OFF
Local Control now handles USB to MIDI Out
Release of previously playing preset is cleared when switching presets
Sequencer : Record LED now blinks on each beat instead of 16ths


Loading preset while holding Seq now properly loads preset
Superwave Timbre knob now matches
Screensaver now exits with any action
Step-recording a Tied note on the last step doesn't change Step 1
Many external sync improvements
Seq to Arp now properly handled in Random arp mode
Seq to Arp now properly handles velocities
Seq to Arp doesn't shift the arp anymore
No more CC's sent on preset changes

Whoa very nice update!

Thanks for the heads-up !


Yessss! I love the Microfreak more and more everytime I use it.