Arturia MicroFreak

The MIDI protocol doesn’t directly allow for this.

I don’t have a Microfreak, but you may be able to start its sequencer playing by sending a MIDI Note message from the Digitone. Perhaps a Microfreak owner can say for sure.

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You mean aside from pressing play on the microfreak? If you choose to have the digitone not send play/stop midi messages, the digitone will play on its own until you make the microfreak play, while still staying in sync

@PeterHanes: Can I send Transport Commands from DN via Midi Trigs? I haven’t found anything regarding this Function in the Manual.

@blasterjake: Well, if I simply hit Play on the MF while the DN is already playing, the MF won’t be in synch with the DN. But I didn’t understand your second Sentence. Can you elaborate further how both stay in synch without sending Play/Stop Midi Messages?

Not possible

This should be readily doable. You will get a synchronization of the tempo related parameters across both if they are set to be externally controlled on the MF things like Arp/Seq/LFO should all be controllable when set to respond to external clock. This doesn’t mean that your timing isn’t important, if you press the MF early or late the tempo syncing will be early or late, it probably won’t be as easy to get the trigs to overlap if you are used to devices with less resolution like volcas which have per step sync

Best thing you can do is explore the sync menus in both devices and review the respective manual for an explanation. If you had e.g. an analog four you could use its CV out to send clock sync pulses that would drive the MF steps in time with the A4

Explore the menus and refer to the manuals and don’t try until you map out the concepts … take it from there

Indeed, this is certainly not a Moog. But if you mainly use the HPF and the BPF instead of the LPF, you will be rewarded with an impressive amount of unique and very usable sounds.

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Is there a way to view settings/values without moving/altering it on the Microfreak?

That’s a good question… I’m not with mine at the mo but I don’t think there is…

Nope :frowning: one of the most irritating things about it.

If you move the knob to the saved value the Save light will turn on.

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Super cool and unexpected update, detailed here: (that limited edition too!)


Wow, a deep dive on MicroFreak 5.0 from Oscillator Sink here too,

Nothing quite like a big firmware update surprise…


Will this also work on minifreak? If not, I feel like I made the wrong purchase between the two

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I’m sure it will, I just upgraded to the Minifreak!!!

Minifreak is a different synth … not just bigger keyboard ( I know this is obvious )
I’m sure this will come.

I haven’t turned on my microfreak for over a year. I might try this.

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And Minifreak VST…(as I own that one :-))

In the exact same boat. Keep looking at it, thinking I should sell it. But there’s not that much to gain from selling, and I feel like I could get something out of it, just haven’t been able to so far. Maybe v5 is the ticket?

great stuff <3 the freak gets even freakier

I wonder if it’s possible they’ll add reverb and delay in some of the firmware updates, that would be wonderful


Totally awesome. Can’t wait to get this new update. Super excited!