Arturia Minifreak - 6-voice hybrid synth with 37 keys and FX engine

My Minifreak’s just arrived and gotta say I’m pretty impressed! Only spent 30 minutes with it but it’s giving me everything I’d hoped for :star_struck:

I have a question for other owners though: One of my notched encoders has a bit of a ‘rattle’ to it. They all have a tiny bit of movement but this one seems sub-par. Before I go to the hassle of returning the freak for a replacement I thought I’d do a quick check to find out if any others have a similar issue just in case a return would be a waste of time. I’m assuming it slipped past QA though:

(Audio included)

I popped the knob off and it’s definitely the encoder thats rattly.

Just checked and none of my encoders seem to have that level of rattle-ry. Everything else seems solid and uniform.

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Unexpected asmr.

Maybe try pulling the knob cap off? I had a rattley knob on a Keystep, turns out Arturia uses (sigh) a little wad of tape on the encoder shaft to keep the knobs tight. I just added some more tape and it’s fine.

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Oof I’ve never seen that before haha :see_no_evil:

Yea I popped the knob off and it’s definitely the encoder that’s rattly - no tape though :stuck_out_tongue:

I had one and the knobs were horrible. It’s a great little synth for little money, especially with the V5 upgrade. But adding 5,- to get less horrible pots would have been a better choice.

To be honest I’m happy enough with the rest of them - just the rattly one that’s the issue haha. Naturally it’d be nice with lusher pots and a metal faceplate etc. but then it’d end up pricing itself into a different category so for what it is I’m pretty impressed with it I have to admit. Lots of sonic potential and it makes all the noises I like :slight_smile:

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I’m just seeing the just announced update to the Microfreak, would it be safe to assume a similar update will come to the Minifreak?

Given how solid my BSP’s encoders are, I would be surprised if Arturia considered that acceptable. That said, it might just be a nut that came loose in shipping.

It does actually seem to be the shaft of the pot itself rattling - I could probably live with it but I wonder if it’d impact the life of the pot and if I ever come to selling it (I’m sure I will one day) feels like I’ve got a caveat on my hands. I’ll get it swapped for a new one, annoyingly Juno don’t have any more in stock so I might end up having to wait for a replacement :sweat: I swear I have the worst luck with this stuff (or I’m very picky) - I feel like half the stuff I buy these days gets sent back for a replacement :sweat_smile:

I can’t blame you though. It’s always sour when the new machine has a blemish.

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But on a more positive note here’s part of a recording I made last night, this was a slight modification to preset 190 (forget the name), such lushness!

(sorry for insta link I haven’t put it anywhere else)


Nah mines are not doing this, but given what folks said above, as I try and rattle them I’m thinking some will do this in near future but given the price I’m not too concerned. Glad your digging your new bit of gear co grata on the purchase, I find it makes me really creative, enjoy man!

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Maybe eventually? If I recall correctly there are a couple of features the mini doesn’t currently have, though I can’t think of what they are.

User wavetables and vocoder are missing from MiniFreak.

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Hey guys,
I just wanted to ask a question about sending cc.
I’m trying to figure out how to send 58 cc to the mood mkii pedal.
I can’t seem to figure it out and have searched for a long while looking for an answer!
Any help would be much appreciated,

Loved the OT/AR / Mini Jam. i don’t have insta but that was refreshing to watch. thanks for sharing