Arturia Minifreak - 6-voice hybrid synth with 37 keys and FX engine

A small detail I appreciated a lot was that in plug in mode you have access to but in tutorials.


As someone running Reason 10, I wonder how well that will perform with several instances of the synth running in the DAW. Would be great to hear from someone like me who refuses to upgrade to Reason 12. :blush:

Since I recently reinserted Ableton into my “live” setup, this intrigues me. GAS points just went up on this one.

I’m interested to know how the hardware handles multiple instances, for example does it seamlessly switch based on the track focus in Ableton?

And what kind of latency does the plug-in introduce? For that I can I just buy the plug-in and test for myself as I’m sure it’s system dependent.

Same here! Thought that was ace, plus it got me on the trail of some amazing sounds tweaking from the tutorial starting points, such an amazing way to introduce a piece of gear.

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I don’t think you have to buy it, if you registered the MF you get the plug-in too.
I bought it second hand and Arturia transferred both to my account

Sorry :laughing:

I just got a hold of a MiniFreak. At first I wasn’t sure about taking the MicroFreak and expanding it with a keyboard, since part of the cool thing about the original was the capacitive touch thing - but it’s actually a really cool instrument in of its own right. I put together a video with some more of my ramblings here…


I had GAS for Minifreak for similar reason, but from what I’ve seen in early plugin reviews, sync is kind of slow and you have to do it manually using mouse to click sync button in plugin instance. It’s also not possible to control all features from hardware, if I remember correctly mostly in sequencer area. So my GAS kind of cooled off. But would still like to hear more thoughts on this from actual users.

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They made full control over the sequencer possible with the last update.

You can also map every control of the hardware to most/all parameters of the software using regular midi learn, which allows you to control and easily switch between multiple plugins by switching between tracks without using the “Link” function (which also syncs patches).

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Cool, nice to hear they improved it. I guess midi mapping could work for being able to live tweak main parameters. But what would happen if you then sync midi mapped VST to hardware (for being able to program all patch parameters), would there be no conflict between control methods?

Haven’t tested thoroughly, so don’t know.

Can the Minifreak be used as a pseudo Keystep by using it’s sequencer and keyboard with external gear?

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Yes I have read it does send its keyboard and sequencer notes out over usb (not tried myself)

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Cool. I assume regular DIN MIDI will also work ?

Yea it has MIDI out :v: Looking at the manual it seems to output “most” of the controls as CC too.

The Wheel Touch Strip, the Sustain pedal, and most of the front-panel knobs send unique
CC messages. These can be recorded into a sequencer or DAW, and replayed to automate
control movements on the MiniFreak

I assume the ones it doesn’t send are the ones specific for controlling the synth like the octave buttons, matrix knob etc.

Yeah this is how I use it with my Syntakt

Here I’m using it and playing the Syntakt with it half way through:


Oh man, that jam is right up my alley. Gorgeous.

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Is it possible to change the output MIDI channel easily? On the KeySteps it’s Shift + the first key for Channel 1, ascending from there. Would be fantastic if it operated the same way.

The minifreak has a MIDI parameters menu accessed on the display:



I’ve not tried this… interested to test to see if it works. Right now to change channel it’s just shift and press down on menu knob and go to midi channel and turn the knob to cycle through the channels, easy and quick enough.

Best bit I like is having 1 oscillator from the freak then another oscillator used to take audio in, then if you have it set for the midi and freak to be controlled by the keybed you can have simultaneous layered external gear with a freak oscillator. I was doing this with the Syntakt and it’s sounds massive.

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