Arturia Minifreak - 6-voice hybrid synth with 37 keys and FX engine

I’m currently quite bysy with the different 2 osc combinations:
-2x 2opFM for 4 op FM
-2opFM into FM/RM for 3 op FM
-Harmo into FM/RM
-2opFM into Destroy for wavefolding (easel anyone?)

That miniFreak is a competent little synth with lots of FM and west coast possibilities!


I’ve learned since: this goes only for the reverb and the delay, since they’re rather dsp-hungry…

As soon as you select one of them for an fx-slot (enabled or not) it is no longer available to select in another fx slot.

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Ah right, so would I be able to put the EQ effect in all three slots at once and assign different EQ sub-types for each of them?

Will the DSP allow for that combination?

Only the reverb and the delay are limited to a single instance over all the fx slots. All the other fx can be used in multiple slots.

I wish, however, that it would be possible to change subtypes without enabling the effect first.
Now you have to first turn down the effect intensity, then select the subtype and after that bring up the intensity if you want to seamlessly bring in a sub-type-effect. (synced delay for example…)

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Wow, that’s even better than I thought then, cheers mate!

I’m a bit puzzled about the hole sub-type implementation, but what you say sounds kinda like a bug, and if it isn’t they will hopefully think of a better way to implement that in an update!

Something I’ve never been able to figure out is how to go about using Oscillator 1 to modulate either the Pitch, Filter or Amp of Oscillator 2. Like if I have some really wobbly, random sort of sound going on in Oscillator 1, how would I then take the output of that oscillator and use it to modulate a parameter in Oscillator 2?

I’ve watched lots of videos and dug into the manual, and while I suspect the Modulation Matrix might be the answer to what is puzzling me, I’ve still not been able to figure out how that would actually work. So just to be clear, I do understand how to use Oscillator 1 to FM or RM modulate Oscillator 2, but I’m buggered if I understand how Oscillator 1 could be used for more basic modulation of Oscillator 2, those being simple Pitch, Filter and Amp modulation.

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I don’t think you can as you don’t have pitch as a modulation source in the matrix

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That’s only possible with the fm/rm osc, there is no osc output available in the mod matrix to use as a modulator.
With the FM/RM osc you can use the wave-encoder to set the wave of osc2. With timbre you control how much osc 2 is fm’ed by osc 1, with shape you control how much ringmod there is.
Those are your only two options for audiorate modulation between osc 1 and 2.

(that’s why i like the FM/RM osc so much :slight_smile: )

BTW Both the cycling envelope and lfo’s are capable of going up to audiorates and are capable of modulating total pitch or separate osc pitch through the matrix though…

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That’s why I kept wondering how on earth it was achieved, lol, very strange!

Mind you, I keep forgetting that we’re still at root oscillator level when wondering about that stuff, so it’s understandable really I suppose. I think if they ever do implement it, it would likely be in the form of ‘Osc 1 Out’ listed as a modulation source, cause then you could send it anywhere really.

Yeah, mustn’t forget how good the Cycling Envelope and LFO’s are. I think I’m really going to enjoy this synth so I might as well just shut-up and get it ordered!

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Is this thing easy to program or is there a lot of menu diving?

Well I’ve done it, I’ve ordered a MiniFreak and she’ll arrive tomorrow with a bit of luck!


Hardly any menu diving.


Well I hate to say this (and sincerely feel bad about saying it in a MiniFreak thread), but it turned out to be a major disappointment for me personally.

I can’t think of a single instance where I came across an EQ with just 6db of gain until I came across the MiniFreak. Even worse, stacking them three high for 18db gain doesn’t seem to help much either so I’m sticking to good old analogue EQ from now on!

It’s completely useless in terms of how I wanted to integrate it, and while it’s a great sounding synth, there’s something about the bass-end of the spectrum that’s weird in a way I can’t explain.

Whatever it is I don’t like it, so back to the shop she goes!

Oh the joys of layering! I can have a super heavy sub with a nice shimmer noise on top…


It does pay off, having two of those microfreak-oscs! I like it as well that you can “reinforce” some sounds of the more “weedy” osc types with a thick sine from the fm machine, harmonic machine, or crosfade with the fm/rm osc and do some fm’ing of that sub as well.

What a brilliant, weird, and versatile synth!


Yeah absolutely. I love having one for audio in and then layering the minifreak on top, seems to work awesome when doing this with the Syntakt, takes the SY to special places…

And the effects, just destroyed a bass by having 2 distortions into a reverb…

I’ve just had my first couple of days with the MiniFreak and I am stunned at what a great little synth this is. They packed in so many features, yet it is super easy and intuitive to use. My two favorite features (besides the effects) are the cycling envelope and the custom LFO shapes. I can’t remember if you could do this on the Microfreak, but you can adjust the curve on the cycling envelope (by hitting shift) and this makes for incredible modulation and jamming possibilities. I always loved the custom envelope and LFO shapes in Pigments and it’s so cool that you can do this with the MiniFreak.

Hot take alert: This thing punches so far above its weight. Were it multitimbral I would consider forsaking the Virus TI2. That’s a big ‘were’, cuz it’s not. But the oscillator options and sound design capabilities remind me of the Virus.

I think Arturia is the most forward thinking synth company these days.


If it were multitimbral, I would honestly buy it in a split second and use it in a hybrid (DAW and standalone) setup. It looks fun and immediate to use and it sounds great.

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You can do this on microfreak as well.
Try modulating decay negatively by the envelope as well: the more you apply negative modulation from an envelope to it’s own decay the more snappy it gets (log). This gives you more gradual control over the shapes than the two options you get for the curves in both the envelopes.

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I guess in a hybrid setup it is multitimbral, in that you can load up several instances of the plug-in, but still have the hands-on control with the hardware unit.