Arturia Minifreak - 6-voice hybrid synth with 37 keys and FX engine

Boring synth. It’s all going downhill from here


It could be similar to how Newfangled Audio has Pendulate that’s a free, monophonic version of the polyphonic Generate. MicroFreak V could be free (maybe a holiday giveaway?) while MiniFreak V is a regular part of the (next) V Collection.

Now that Arturia has modeled the Steiner-Parker filter (I think that’s what the Freak series uses?) maybe V Collection 10 will include a “Brute V” that brings together some of the workflow and sonic territory of MiniBrute, MatrixBrute, and PolyBrute.

There’s nothing boring about this synth except the mini-keys.

If complex oscillators through analog state variable filters with polyphony and effects is boring, you might be in the wrong hobby/business/etc. It’s another option, and a fairly unique combination of features.

The only thing keeping me from doing an impulse GAS buy, trying it out, and then giving it to one of my kids is the @$^@&$%^#$%^#$%&$#%^%*^ing mini-keys!

I’d buy a desktop I think.


The MicroFreak has a SEM type filter. The Brutes (or at least the first ones) use a Steiner-Parker :slight_smile:

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MiniFreak V

MiniFreak V software is exclusive to hardware owners right now right? Do we expect a release in some months for anyone to buy just the software version?

Ah, so they’ve actually had that filter model for some time given how long they’ve had an SEM in the lineup.

Going purely by the fact that it has “V” in the name would suggest that it will eventually land in the V Collection. I wouldn’t be surprised if it stays exclusive to the hardware until then, though.

Heared loopops demo, it sounds dirty in a very cool way. VST patch compatibility is very nice. A punker synth, i like it.


I wish there was a noir or white version; I dislike Arturia grey. Besides that, I’m going to definitely preorder this one.

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Grey? I think it’s black.

It looks like the same grey as the MicroFreak to me.

When there’s light on the unit, it surely looks gray but…

And the casing is metal.

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I’d love to be wrong, but I just think those are just high contrast photos making it seem black.


Loopop mentions that it has metal construction, but I wonder if it’s the underside, the top panel, or both.

Getting my Minibrute 2s out of the closet to ward off the GAS.

(also waiting for an 88-key touch-key MEGAFREAK)


Indeed. 2+4 would also make sense. Maybe on a future update…
Multitimbrality is a missing feature these days.


Also, if it could look like a Neuron or Q instead of a PolyBrute, I would appreciate it.

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interesting for sound design in minifreak, can you link keytracking to the delay value?

“Destroy” got me excited, but then it’s just the three things everybody loves except me: Wavefold, Bitcrush and Sample Rate Reducer :stuck_out_tongue:


What?? Bit crush is ace!
With such a synth you can even pile 3 distorsions on top…

Wait, what am I doing here?
:man_dancing: :door:


BIG question:

I watched Loopop’s video but did not find an answer to the question:
Will Minifreak be able to send its ARP via MIDI to a DAW or a furher synth?

Microfreak could do this only with difficult and non intuitive workarounds that have been developed by some power users over the years because the manual doesn’t cover that.