Arturia Minifreak - 6-voice hybrid synth with 37 keys and FX engine

coding is hocus pocus, electricity is real.

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This guy’s one of my least favorite demo people when he opens his mouth, but I liked this no-talking run through of the Minifreak.


I was thinking this or the Hydrasynth Explorer.

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So what about Thom Yorke? :rofl:


I love the Arturia stuff. Got the microbrute, freak and impact. This one is looking absolutely great. But this missed oportunity with the vst. Why don´t just programm a VST to control the freak like overbridge? That´s why I like VST controlled hardware: preset managment, sound of the hardware, total recall stuff, less LATENCY and before all: control music with instrument knobs instead of mouse. Things like: Design a sound on the couch, then go to studio, plug in the synth and use the creation within a VST controlled enviroment. But nooooo, just make an independent VST… like thousands and thousands others… (pigments anyone?). That whole thing is digitally controlled like the elektron stuff… so it can´t be that difficult.

that is the reason I switched from Arturia stuff to Elektron stuff (but I still have my three Arturia Synths, you never know :))

maybe that’s some random guy with manbun they picked up somewhere off islington


I think it does everything you want it to do, according to the stream, right at the end of the stream the guy talks about the vst and how it is used with the hardware. I think they even mentioned the couch :thinking:

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Judging from the demos I think the synth has the same problem as the Microfreak: broad range of sounds with the different oscillators but a lot of ugly (imho unusable) sounds, you really have to dig to find the sweet spots. at least it now has some FX to drench the weird stuff in reverb etc but I am not that interested


that’s debatable i think


read on the homepage that there is a way to use the patches from the hardware on the software and vice versa. But that is still not what I´ve meant. guess it will be up and downloading patches with the arturia controll app and not sth within the vst

I think you can from within the vst :thinking:

At 38:50 on the stream he talks about this.

Yeah, no shit! :rofl:

:crossed_fingers: “lougeish” SDK for oscillators and FX would be the most insane update. Especially since it has the audio in


It´s kind of ugly looking but nice engine. when I look at those engine I ask myself evenmore why the Syntakt is soo weak in terms of machines. look at what this machine here can do in terms of percussion and possebillities.


Breaking NGNY.

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Oh, Daniel is ok. If you want bad, might I recommend Anderton’s? :stuck_out_tongue: When I see one of their demos pop up, I click at least two videos away. Just to be sure. :smiley:

Duuuuuuuuddeee!! What’s this? It’s a synthesizer! Let’s make the worst and most annoying sound we can on it! Right! Weeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeooeoeo! 'at’s the one mate!

(in their defense, at least they’re enthusiastic. :smiley: )


I actually like Jack. His vibe rubs off on me :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I love the sound, design and idea of real standalone plugin being fully controllable and programmable from real dedicated hardware. It also sort of gives this synth multitimbral capabilities.

It would be nice, if they would allow for more than 6 notes of polyphony in a plugin and especially add wavetable oscillator with user wavetables from Microfreak. This is quite a large omission and only thing that holds me back from ordering this thing right now.

:smiley: I can see that. He’d probably be fun to hang out with, just maybe more-so than synth demos. :smiley: