Arturia Polybrute

I too feel uncomfortable with how they took the idea, modified it a bit, but then named it so similar that it feels like a slap on the face. Especially as they burned some benefit-of-the-doubt due to how Emilie from Mutable Instruments felt about the MicroFreak.


Still, I don’t want to go back to some blind Arturia bashing. It’s very possible that ExpressivE is so dedicated to the Osmose that it just couldn’t happen.
Not to mention the fact that Polybrute price is relatively reasonably positioned. Add a few hundred bucks and it would have been a bit too pretentious compared to DSI, IMO.

Missed opportunity.
Integrating Touché technology would have made the Polybrute even more high-end!


If true, being able to save the state of the synth in an intermediate morphed position would be absolutely brilliant!


Yes, the sound is smoother. Mainly gain staging… on a monosynth it’s nice to have some distortion here and there, whereas on a poly you want things to be a bit more in control. This is one of the reasons for using crossfades between waveforms, instead of waveform levels like we did on MxB. The other reason is the number of knobs :slight_smile:

Motion recorder is indeed polyphonic. Either one-shot or looping, resets on key trig in both modes. Yesterday I wished it could be monophonic and free running, for long evolving changes on all voices simultaneously… should be possible to do that in firmware.


It’s reaaally fun !

Choose a preset you like as a source (the A part), use the “Pick B” feature that lets you choose another preset slot for the morph destination (the B part). Morph between them, if you like something in between, use the “Current to A” feature, so it becomes your new starting point. Pick a new destination, repeat…

Sometimes it sounds really bad, but there are a lot of pleasant surprises. A lot of times I feel like I wouldn’t know how to re-create the evolution I hear when morphing.

By the way, the random preset generator works like this : Picks two random presets, morphs between them, this becomes the “A”. Does the same for the “B”. So your final preset is some kind of morphing between four sounds.


My understanding – based on multiple reviews by others – is that the KeybLab 88 Mk II does use a Fatar keybed. I assume you’re talking about the other keyboards with semi-weighted and unweighted action, but if not, then reviewers should be told, and definitely should revise or add corrections. For one thing, consumers with backgrounds as pianists and keyboardists make decisions about which controller keyboard to get based on keybeds with which they’re familiar. It would also be nice to know the model of keybed the Arturia boards have been using.

Those reviews are the reason I took Bunker’s statement at face value.

(Apologies if this seems OT, since the sound and features of the PB are the main point.)

yes, the hammer action in the KL88mkII is a Fatar keybed.
I was talking about the semi-weighted 49 and 61 keybeds, like PolyBrute.


In French, é(e) is simply the past tense of the verb, so would the English equivalents Touched and Morphed sound similar enough to cause problems?

(Incidentally, Morphée also = Morpheus in French and edit: I know morphée isn’t a correct French verb either…)


The god of sleep and dreams.

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And according to some sources the child of Nyx.

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And a Matrix Character.


No but in French they sure do ;p
Regardless though, it’s clear to me that they got both the idea and name from Expressive E.

I thought that was true of the KL88MkII, but I really appreciate the clarification.

At some point, I would love to know more about the keybeds used in Arturia’s semi-weighted keyboards – perhaps in a different discussion about Arturia’s MIDI controller/sequencers. Thanks again.

I don’t know, to me it looks like they got the idea from ondes martenot :slight_smile:


It’d be blind to not detect a company possibly forming a track record of ripping off the work of others. Especially when its Goliath eating David.

We definitely don’t know the details, but I think the onus is on Arturia to explain.


Folks this manufactured controversy over the expressive interface is ridiculous, they are different in form and function. So silly, they are legitimately nothing alike in the way that they operate. They don’t even look similar!


I get your point… But then call it the “Ondeé” :wink:

That translates to Shower (as in rain) in English!

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I disagree, they look similar and are named similar. I’m not saying its the biggest deal, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

I’m not judging anyone for wanting the synth or anything, I just think Arturia can do better.



The Matrix is everywhere, it’s all around us, here even in this room. You can see it out your window, or on your television. You feel it when you go to work, or go to church or pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. — Morpheus

Perhaps instead of A and B being the two ends on the Morph control it could be a Red Pill — Blue Pill.
