Arturia Polybrute

I did :grinning:
It is still delayed from Arturia though so no one got it yet.

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Ahh…I didn’t realise they were still pre-orders.

I still have a while before i have the funds but i really don’t see my mind changing on this.

Let us know when your one arrives.

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Whoa. On my radar now.

it sounds really great in that video. Even the basic sound. Hadn’t payed any attention yet since it’s so pricy but looks pretty awesome

Until you discover it’s missing that one crucial feature that would have made it perfect for you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

edit it would be cool if you got one though, it looks super fun.


not being a prophet 12 :sweat_smile:


He really sums up my hopes and desire for this synth.

I‘m allocating an amount from a forthcoming inheritance to buy 2 top range synths.

Quantum, or Iridium is one of the them (probably the Q)

And I really hope the Polybrute will be the other.

I was well impressed by Benn Jordan’s video, i love how tactile and expressive it is, and it had a beautiful tone to it, I’m curious as to the filters available, it’s had a sem vibe to it.
Edit: it has a multi mode Steiner-Parker and a 24db ladder filter (same as the matrix brute right)

More research needed, and realistically I’ll never have that kind of money available in the near future…When I lucked into a little bit of money I bought an OB6 as my life partner and showstopper poly synth. Something I can leave to my grandkids if I had any, so it’d have to be good enough to make me sell it. I can’t see it happening just yet.

Great job by Arturia that I’m even considering it though.


Enter the Dragon.


@Unifono @Hawk yeah I mean I got weeks to come to that inevitable conclusion before it hits the stores here, so we’re not expecting a surprise ending here.

@blipson and I just watched a Bruce Lee movie yesterday!

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Watched a few tutorials now on the sequencer. No one told Arturia grid sequencers have been around for awhile, it seems. It’s the most confusing grid mess I’ve seen since I played Grid Runner as a kid.

But maybe it’s fluent as a spring stream in the woods once you play it.

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Make’s me get my Minibrute out. I knew they were going to have to do it one day, and I was right in line with ideas of what it would be like. I bought my original MB I think in 2013. I couldn’t really afford it as it was at 450.00 but I was fed up with my soft synth that was not playing right, and wasn’t wasting money on a newer computer when I loved Analog synth Artist’s.

The poly is about what I imagined so far as it’s modular-esque, mod matrix, nice to have digital control over that for us OT, DT, DN, ETC… User’s, It has the resurrected Steiner Parker filter which is it’s own classic in my opinion, with it’s complex Oscillator, it is it’s own thing! And that’s why I bought it.

This is too! So like it, don’t, love it, don’t. Either way I think the Minilogue XD is still worth my while and this synth is for the pros. Too much for me, and at least for a time, I can’t afford it. It’s a nice Lambo. But I own a 2JZ living in the OT. And I can sample the creaky old original with NO DIGITAL CONTROL BABY!! VERRY GRRR BABY!

Yeah, I’m out. This escalated quickly. But I just know the sequencer’s gonna piss me off.

There are so many interesting ways you can take a sequencer when you work it into a grid and a synth like this. And they’re going for traditional, slightly awkward 64-step patterns that really doesn’t need a grid - at all.

I know I’m Deluge spoiled, but c’mon. You got this super innovative and lovely sounding instrument going, looks the part too, and you really do make the effort to slap on a grid as an interface, which is commendable and awesome.

And you give us an SH-101 sequencer with 64 steps and some editing features to boost?


Fast—this is some sort of a record, I think. In my case, I don’t want to pile on, but even though it’s got the nifty control add-ons, the Morphee isn’t much compared to what I can bring online (albeit externally). Yes, there’s the morphing, but my Polybrute decision has to be all about its fundamental sonic quality, which I think is good–very good (whatever), but definitely short of great. At the size and price (and no MPE), I can’t see ever bothering.

Well, it’s a cycle. It’s my first reject of this instrument. Give it a few hours. I might be back with a new perspective and a pre-order ready and done.

But just because I got nothing better to do, I wrote down an idea of what I think the sequencer could’ve been and had another cup of coffee, to try out my own hypothesis.

I’m expecting Arturia’s call any minute now.


With me, it’s a matter of the stuff I already have: the Polybrute simply won’t add anything in the way of a particularly desirable new sonic personality. If I had less stuff or more space, I’d probably try it (definitely if it were under USD 2000) and live with it for at least a year to see how it goes. I’m looking forward to demos changing my mind, but I think it’s unlikely.

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Gordon Reid (SOS)
“I’ve had the privilege of playing and reviewing many of the most revered polysynths of all time, and I think that the PolyBrute has the potential to be up there with the best of them”

Benn Jordon
"This, in my entirely subjective opinion, is my favourite synthesizer that i’ve ever touched’

circuitghost & blipson

All in jest though x


Yeah, we’re tough cookies, no doubt :sunglasses:


Well, there’s the novelty factor for Benn. You always have to take that into account. I mean, when he said the Polybrute is just “so tactile,” you know he’s in a honeymoon swoon. Every keyboard I own is tactile—granted, some more than others—but honestly wtf. It’s puppy love, but I’m a cookie man.