Arturia Polybrute


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Very true. If you’re gonna claim a synth to be the best you’ve ever played, you’d better play it for some time to get perspective.

Honestly, the only real competition my Prophet 12’s facing right now is the Deluge itself, as I’m diving deeper into its multi-sampling. @rephazer packs are da bomb. I’m using Rust and Analog Befour and the presence in both packs are outstanding. Integrated into the Dellie’s sequencer and recording it all into the Blackbox for further manipulation, I’m starting to wonder if I even need the Prophet in the future.

But that’s off topic, right?


I tend to agree, but if you have enough experience sometimes you just instinctively know.

That happened to me many years ago when i bought a Korg Oasys.


Yeah, when you know, you know, I suppose :slight_smile:

Sounds a bit silly IMHO and a pretty preconceived idea.
From the tutorial about the sequencer it is clear that the sequencer is very well thought out with a lot of cool features. It also wouldn’t make sense to compare it to Elektrons sequencer.
I think it will be amazing to make sequences on especially with the great sound the PB has.


This recent discussion is actually making me re-visit the MatrixBrute. I’ve been doing without a flagship mono, figuring I can get what I need from polys. That’s true, but as I said, this discussion is making me re-visit. The immediacy of the full-size matrix alone…

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@Diayse You should make a video showing some of the PolyBrute’s sounds while we are waiting :grinning: You played some really beautiful sounds in your dev stream.

Hey mate, I designed that PolyBrute sequencer, if you have ideas on how to make it better, or simply different, I’m listening ! :slight_smile:


Thanks Soarer ! But after Benn’s video, I feel like anything I’d play would sound like crap…

I’m going to do a livestream video to talk more into detail about the PolyBrute Connect software editor. It should be on the 16th of February, I guess 5 or 6PM CET. I’ll play a few sounds there, and maybe show how to use that terrible sequencer :wink:


I still think remote program loading of each layer is the clearest thing to work out. :wink:

Whoa. This opportunity makes me all sweaty :slight_smile: I appreciate your invite and will try to meet it with respect, bearing in mind I have no clue on your architecture or what’s feasible or not.

My experience and preference comes from my exploration of using six Prophet 12 voices with the Deluge sequencer, and writing entire sequences and performances with that limitation only. So same voice count as the Brute (I don’t fully use the 12 voices in the Prophet in these scenarios) and with a sequencer that can fully utilise that voice count without sticking to one pattern controlling it all.

So with six voices, I would gun for separate tracks. Perhaps six tracks is stretching it, but even just the two would open up possibilities. Not multi-timbral, but multi-track, all working from the same polyphony, timbre and architecture. Each track would have its own step count and time signature, and preferable BPM as well, but that’s really stretching it, I know. For example, I’ve used the Dellie to combine a four step track, a 32 step track and a 40 step track all running at the same time, but sharing the same voice count. There’s amazing movement from a synth of this quality when you push its polyphony from separate tracks like this.

Each track would be its own, visually. And I can mute each track, start them and stop them separately, either on clock (say down to maybe 1/64th) or free running. But they all share the same timbre and voice pool, of course. A basic performance mode, essentially where the tracks are free running from each other.

Separate timbre from pattern, like the SH-01A does. Switch modes between patterns, either reset mode - as in restart from step one, or just keep playing on the same step, new pattern. Elektron does this in their analog machines, as does the Deluge between track shifts, and the Circuit.

A mode where I can paint the music across the grid, horizontally. For reference, check out the basic input methods of the Circuit, the Deluge and a few of the monone sequencers. While the eight led width does make this somewhat challenging, it’d still be a fantastic way to paint your notes. And if you work with grid resolution, that’d take care of most user cases where you need to sustain notes for more than just a beat or two.

And perhaps just a step count beyond the 64 :slight_smile:

Thanks for asking. I’m aware these ideas are stretching it, but maybe it’ll open for an interesting conversation, at least :slight_smile:

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Thanks for your feedback and suggestions :slight_smile:

Turning the poly sequencer into multiple monophonic sequences could be nice. I think it calls for a lot of UI, to select a track, set its length independently, decide which track gets recorded into, and so on. It might be difficult to add that to the existing UI, but we’ll see :wink:

As for painting the music across the grid, have you looked at the Matrix Arpeggiator mode ? Maybe that’ll be more like what you’re after…

This is the section of the tutorial where Matt explains its functionality.


Very cool, thanks for replying. Yes, I saw that, and it’s along the same lines. I’m more suggesting a way to actually paint sustains as well as chords in this way too, though. So the functionality is there but it seems it’s a trig and then that’s it, and no chords but arpeggios.

But painting like so is very powerful and I’d argue, even more useful in a non-arpeggiator context.

All the same, I don’t expect you to pick any of this up, I just enjoy the conversation and the fact you’re even reaching out and replying is so appreciated. All love to you, man. I’m gonna give this a go when it hits the stores, it’s too appealing not to. That grid’s calling me, whether I want to admit it or not :slight_smile:



Do you have any thoughts or plans to get a Polybrute?

I’m quite tempted to get a PolyBrute, yes, but I’m in no rush. Besides, if Arturia wants to send me a unit to create patches, I’m a taker ^^

And what about you?

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I’m 100% getting a Quantum first. I listen to your demos over and over and my heart is set on that.

From what I’ve seen and heard so far I do plan on getting a Polybrute, but I’d probably wait for any QC issues to be found and sorted.

The next 2 synths I buy could quite likely be the last 2 I buy. I won’t go into those details but I’d like 2 amazing and capable synths to be with me forever.

I think they’d compliment each each extremely well.

Please, Arturia, @Diayse, someone, get this man @Astrolab a Polybrute. His sound design and patches are amazing. See CO5MA on YT.

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Torn between the Polybrute and the “safer” options of OB-6 or Prophet 6 (for the second time). All roughly around the same price and intended as a more reliable and flexible replacement for a Jupiter 6 and a Juno 60, which are both just that bit too big to justify keeping around. It’s not that I want to replicate the sound of the old Rolands. More that I’d like to have a synth I can really love in their place.

I’m a bit of a Sequential fanboy but Benn’s video has really thrown a spanner in the works. The Polybrute sounds amazing and looks such a joy to play and program.

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Come’on, give the man some credit. Anyone who’s paid attention knows BJ doesn’t throw around meaningless hyperbole.

MusicTech has run a longish review article, that gives some perspective from someone who has spent some time with the PolyBrute.