Arturia Polybrute

Those legs do look really nice.


Based on sound character which order would you personally put these 3.

Super 6

They all three have a strong character!

I would say PolyBrute and UDO Super 6 (could) overlap but it’s still too early for me to compare them. I see them as brothers, with some overlap & some differences. UDO seems to be more solid for deep and massive basses. UDO for basses and strings, PolyBrute for pads, sequences, morphing. UDO seems to have faster enveloppes.

I could sell one of the two (today I would say UDO 6) but the Quantum will never leave my studio


Thank you.

Your opinion & experience is very much appreciated.

Purely from Youtube videos i also got the impression the PB & Super 6 could overlap. I’m still edging toward the Super 6. It just sounds a bit more interesting/modern/digital but with enough of an analog character. Fact is i’ve always preferred digital synths, but do appreciate the qualities of analog.

The character of the Super 6 just seems to conjures ancient but advanced/alien technological images in my head. Haha, that’s just me though. Apologies for the naff description.

They really are amazing synths and their construction is top notch (the UDO’s keyboard is better though). I don’t want to sell one of them!


To me, modulation overhead typically wins, though voice count does play a factor as well. (I should’ve mentioned that earlier when I brought up Rev2 — 16 > 6)

As for UDO, it seems most geared toward immediacy, as the control set is considerably lower. For that reason, maybe it makes more sense for Leios to have a bottomless ocean of control in Quantum and a considerably shallower but immediately gratifying refuge in Super 6.

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; ) That’s precisely what i’m after. Thank you for putting it in a more succinct way.


& to put it in a slightly convoluted way…I see the Quantum as providing some kind of futuristic environment/eco system or city/planet & perhaps the Super 6 as my little space craft, zipping round exploring.

Or maybe the Polybrute’s the fauna and flora.

All 3 it is then (If only)


Both can create breathtaking worlds :heart_eyes: :star_struck:

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I can imagine. And that’s where the headache begins.

But In reality I’m fortunate that I’ll be getting 2 out of the 3. Very fortunate and blessed.

Quantum is a no brainier. It just speaks to me on every level. I think a Polybrute and Quantum might be a bit too overwhelming for me at this point. But the Q & S6 fit different requirements nicely.

But we shall see…

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You are very lucky and blessed, yes. Like me. And I am deeply aware of it, every single day.


Got mine too yesterday and I agree with Astolab that it feels more like a hybrid.
While I really like it I’m thinking about going back to my original plan and get something more vintage sounding like an OB-6 instead. It would also suit me much better to have a module. Not sure yet though, still testing. The keys are absolutely fine and feel as good as any synth keyboard IMO.


I made some patches on the PolyBrute today and decided to make a video of my jams.
Digitone plays the drums, bass and a few other sounds.


Good man!

Going to listen now before I go to sleep.

Exactly. In considering a complement to my Super 6, Quantum still makes a far stronger candidate than Polybrute. And Quantum comes in module form that has a few different and desirable features, though I suspect I’d get much more satisfaction out of having a dedicated keyboard for that situation. @Astrolab, having such a full complement, would you then tolerate losing the Quantum for an Iridium?

@Soarer Tear that screen protector off and let it shine!

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I’d also like to hear Astrolabs thoughts on this, as it’s been going round in my head for a while.

It probably sounds excessive but i’d probably only get an Iridium as an expansion for a Quantum. And i have and do consider this. I’d like the additional voices and i’ve heard the touchscreen is slightly more responsive but i definitely want the experience of sitting at the full Quantum board.

With that said i do get a little nervous about a time when i’d need to ship the Quantum for servicing/repairs etc. That also comes into play with a Polybrute. Not such a concern for me with the Super 6 as i’m much more happy about shipping within the UK. Maybe the Qauntum & Polybrute would be handled here too. But things to consider.

I did spend some time last night watching the Arturia tutorials for the Polybrute & i did get very excited again. There’s so much to play with & it sounds amazing.

Yes, i totally would. Even if I’m more a Keyboard Guy :wink: But with all my babies, I need space! Plus Iridium has CV connections


Yes, that’s my continued impression: saving space, CV in, 16 voices outweighs more but not heavily used controls (it’s about the screen), analog filters (don’t seems to make a dramatic difference), and aux out (ouch, there).

@Leo-iSL I also have the servicing concern.

I’m still more likely to get one of these Waldorfs over the Polybrute, but neither one soon.


Also, with the addition of MPE support in Quantum/ Iridium, I’d personally rather sit at Iridium + Osmose (or something of the like), than Quantum + Osmose.

On an unrelated note: @Diayse — if you guys haven’t heard of AudioMulch’s metasurface, I think this sort of thing would be pretty fly for bolstering the functionality of your Morphé pad. :slight_smile:

Basically, it lets you place as many snapshots as you like on an XY pad for interpolating between many states/ nodes. (seen at 3:40-ish of that vid)

You guys already have the snapshot and interpolation functionality — I feel like this would just be a matter of figuring out how to allow the user to load each onto Morphé. Polybrute Connect seems like the most logical method, but maybe simply selecting the snapshot and tapping a spot on Morphé would work, sans computer.

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