Avalon Bassline...worth it?/ Opinion

Hah, me too. I just bought a cart, oh dear :E


Hmmm I donā€™t have any filter carts currentlyā€¦.

Yeah, I went ahead and got the 2044 and a spare SEM (thatā€™s how much I like it). If I never use the spare, then Iā€™ll eventually sell it off. Theyā€™ve already sold for $200-300 in the past, so no doubt they will again in a few years. Not that the idea is to make a bunch of money off it, but just that I donā€™t think Iā€™d ever have a problem selling it and certainly wonā€™t lose any money.

Ahā€¦ no worries. Hopefully the Avalons go up for sale at the end of the month. Iā€™ll post here as soon as I know anythingā€¦ and have already reserved mine. :laughing: :rofl:


Do you know if you have to pay in full up front or is it a deposit?

Sorry, I donā€™t know that bit. I got my first one from a private seller (Ebay). Iā€™m hoping itā€™s only a deposit, because itā€™s going to be a long wait.

Did you try buying on the website ?

I.e you may have to look 2nd hand .

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Not buying second hand the prices are ridiculous, apparently there is one last batch available for order soon, but who knows ?

Good luck

Looks like full up front. And for up to 6mos ;(

Yeah Iā€™m pretty torn on the prospect of getting one, I dont think I would ever buy one at the used prices so when those preorders go live it seems like a now or never type thing. I suppose if you have the cash it is not like you would ever sell it at a loss

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It would sell within minutes at $1250-1500 (they do all the time). $1800-2000 is pretty much the norm and $2000-2500 w/ all of the filter carts is doable. There have been some sold much higher, but I think thatā€™s not too typical. Maybe in a few years when itā€™s widely known and now confirmed thereā€™s never another batch, but who knows for sure. I could never see losing money on one for sure though (at this point).

I felt absolutely lucky to get mine a couple years ago 2nd hand, but still brand new unopened box for $1200. That was pretty much unheard of at the time.

EDIT: I went back, checked a few posts and history. Someone is trying to sell one on Reverb right now w/ one cart for $3700 (good luck).

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Iā€™m torn as well. Guess Iā€™ll wait and see how I feel when they go live. Iā€™m prepared to expect the wait to be closer to a year.

Edit: I sold mine a few years ago with all the carts for slightly less than $1000. One of my biggest gear selling regretsšŸ˜¢

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Iā€™m looking for 303, avalon sounds nice. I donā€™t know why but my favorite 303 clone is mam mb33, itā€™s cheap and simple but it makes me very emotionalā€¦ :sweat_smile:

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Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:I watched this video a while back, but watching back, I can see how the sequencer works.

SEM seems to be a good filter, but I donā€™t know until I use all of them.

Will the filters be produced even after the final production of Avalon is sold out? :thinking:

No one knows for sure, but I highly doubt it. Probably whatever stock of boards/parts he has now is it. Pure speculation on my part though.


I offered this guy 2000 EURO and he rejected it out even offering a counter offer. lol.

These things are hard to come by and outrageously expensive. I really dislike Behringer but I might just save my cash and jump on the TD3-MO. (I feel dirty typing that.)

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I have a tb-03 but always wanted one of these for years. Whatā€™s the process to pre order?

waitā€¦ I guess.

Itā€™s going to be a scramble to order.

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