Bad Gear

Perhaps we can agree that urinating on birkenstocks in a Finnish sauna is both the apex of bad gear and thread derailment, leave it at that to get back to our dawless jams.

  • signed, “that giggly guy”

I thought the video was great. I’m not a fan of cringe reality type humor stuff at all but this wasn’t really like that, just good light hearted and enthusiastically honest vibes as usual from AudioPilz.


Maybe the video is a dork litmus test.

You passed and I failed.

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It’s not a place for candy and roses, but sometimes I learn how to use my gear.

Still working out how to properly tell a joke though.

I can relate to the first sentiment, there’s not much to be envious of other than that I’ve learned to accept the scorn of others open handedly.

They tell you lots of bullshit about scars build tough skin so that you can’t be hurt again but it’s a load of crap. The only thing you can do is understand that there is no one correct way to exist and that if someone is unable to comprehend the way you exist or the life you have lived, there may be something about them which is equally baffling to you.

That we cannot all see the parallel, that’s the misfortune of ego, but if at least one realizes this and can let others transgress without it turning into a festering pool feeding past anger, it can be an incident which will pass without sinking the titanic.

The proverb of anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die is a bit trite, but it is also about as accurate as one can get without delving into the metaphysical.

I simply do not let the internet poison me, and I wish you the best because you are a fine person with nothing to gain from anything other than becoming more of who you would like to be.



We should not forget that there is a large populaton of people who are seriously ill (the various forms of malignant narcissm) and use the internet as an easy playground to satisfy their cravings to hurt other people.


One of my favorite moments from that show :joy:

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All of them at once. Why choose?

Then start a new thread to inquire if there’s such a thing as hiking shoe fatigue, and how to actually finish a hike after obtaining all those hiking shoes!


i just want to let you know you made a really inspiring post in another thread about how the audience doesn’t care how you execute your live set (even if it’s just hitting play on song mode) as long as they can get into the actual music being played

it was something i really needed to hear and turned out to be transformative in the sense that i could let my ego and standards get out of the way of my progress

you’re not just the goofy guy to me


You are rather perceptive, so please do not construe my apathy towards it as any consent or form of condonement. We cannot know the ways or reasons for the behaviors of others, and in the cases where the understanding simply will not benefit us - it may in fact be better not to dwell on it, and to simply acknowledge that to understand such behavior is not critical to our own development.

But I would not disagree with you, if that makes sense :slight_smile:

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That’s very kind of you to say and I appreciate that you had the time and concern to convey it to me, thank you :v:




I’m going to go through every post anyone has ever made since you joined elektronauts figure out which 5 posts you liked and systematically con you into liking one of my jokes.

you’ve been warned.


Oddly my scars are more sensitive to sensation in a bad way. Kinda like emotional scarring. It just looks tougher.

sometimes looking tough isn’t enough to get people not to fuck with you, ironically.

No, it makes you a target! So you gotta live through all this, and then the prize is more fuckery. I think we’re still on topic with bad gear… there must be some parallels.


no we are certainly at this point ruining the thread, but I think someone will forgive us because it is a cathartic kind of ruin rather than a fart joke kind of ruin.

Frankly I’m glad for an opportunity to be human in the context of this augmented neural network of wireless chaos. Even if it is to reply to a criticism, or respond to a compliment. it just takes us a layer closer towards humanity and once less removed in detachment.


I laugh at those… as well as the other joke I stepped in earlier that apparently is frowned upon. Damn… ruining things worth laughing about.

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If one understands the bad motifs, then unnecessary feelings can go away, the hurt can fade a bit.


i’m 99% sure they were clicked by mistake