Bastl Bestie - Portable Stereo Mixer and dirty feedback loop

Bastl Instruments have just announced a new portable stereo mixer with a chaotic feedback loop and saturator built in. I got a hold of one early to check out, and put together a video. It’s kind of like a Dude, but on steroids.


Looks handy for a small live setup.


Just got a hold of the product link:


Your sound at 4:47 is selling the thing ^^

I need a new mixer in my life, this makes it pretty hard to stay on the #NGNY23 line…
Missing some Aux send, though.


Thanks! It sounds pretty cool with big dark reverb tails and intermingled drums. All dirty and industrial.

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Yeah, I love to get such sound with an OTO Boum, cranking the drive up and filter down, but that’s another budget ^^
You nailed this one.


Edit: ordered


Been looking forward to this for a while!

Sounds good. Price is good too. I feared this was going to be closer to 300 quid.

Enjoyed the vid :+1:

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Yeah this is awesome.

Wonder if using the USB power adds any noise? I love that you can just use AA batteries though.

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:confused: put in an order… the idea of running 4 stereo outs from the Waldorf M into it has me too curious to the level of crunch I might discover.


I had the pleasure to demo this little thing as well :wink:


Just for reference, Befaco just released a plain stereo 4-in mixer, in 1U Eurorack, a new format of their stmix. Much more utilitarian than the Bestie.

SynthAnatomy article

Where are you all buying this? I see some shops in the US saying they will get it in late May.

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Pretty cool! Much more compact than doing feedback with my mackie mixer. Though I’ll stick with the Mackie as you can do more.

Though truuuthfully I’m just doing similar things with Analog Four.

You can buy direct from Bastl but they have told me US shops will stock it too. They mentioned Perfect Circuit.

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Nice, I wonder if Bastl ships right away. I only ask since I have a tune I’d love to send busses through this mixer before sending it off.

Bastl makes the coolest shit!


I think they are saying ships early may at this point

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I haven’t noticed any noise, and I’ve been powering it over USB. You could in theory get some potentially if you had a bunch of USB devices all powered from the same source, or had some kind of ground loop, but that’s usually more of an issue if you are running data and power over USB simultaneously, which is less of a problem for a mixer.


Thats good to know, thanks. I powered my TR6S through a clean power rack via USB and was brutally noisy, so I figured I’d ask. I run the TR6S off batteries as a result.