Bastl Bestie - Portable Stereo Mixer and dirty feedback loop

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is there truly no panning on this mixer?

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Would have been nice to have gain (for the distortion amount) and level control (for mixing) per channel. Just like a mackie or pretty much any other mixer actually.

Now, if you want a distorted signal on one of the channels, it has to be very loud as well, so you can’t mix it with cleaner and more quiet sounds. It is all or nothing this way…


Maybe I’m wrong but it seems you can use the Headphone out as a kind of Alt 3/4 on Mackies wherein if you mute a channel, and the Headphone out is in Pre, you can feed the Headphone out somewhere (with level control).

I love that Bastl/Casper stays true to their small setup, accessibly priced, noisy selves. Yes, you can use it as a mixer, but it can also double as a sick distortion FX box. Love them.


Mmmm, good point.

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No panning, but to be honest I don’t see that as a big issue - at least for the use cases where it would be most handy. e.g. portable live setups where panning individual elements is relatively redundant.


I think this is probably key to be honest. When I first saw it, I thought… uhhh a mixer?! Why is this interesting? But the more I dug into it the more I realised that it perfectly fits the noise maker, experimental ethos and background of Bastl. This isn’t designed to be… ‘a mixer’. It’s a fairly particular thing that will be really amazing for some uses cases (simple portable live setups, experimental musicians, folks wanting quick and dirty saturation, etc).


I could see it being useful for mixing outputs from a few synths/drum machines together to go into something like an Octatrack.


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Super nice demo and lovely feedback sounds !!


curious about how this would sound when slightly overdriving a Digiakt… seems like an interesting way of adding some color to the mix, as well as mixing a few sources

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F*k yeh, I’m ordering one. Who has them currently in stock?


I’m not seeing it at any of the usual spots. I found this on the web, but never heard of the website:

I love feedback! I could see this as a little dirty FX submixer on my desk.


Yeah saw Sound Parcel but they and everyone else seem to be pre-ordering for May.

I love the idea of this mixer too, a tiny Boss BX with pre-routed feedback. I’m sure it’ll sell like hotcakes.


no panning is a pro imo


Thanks, yeah I know all that stuff, it just doesn’t always apply. Anyway, no biggie. I am super excited for this mixer. I am not sure how OTO can beat it at that much higher price point. That said, I am sure we will see it at NAAM and decide for ourselves.

@cupfungus what about using it as a summing mixer to finish off a DAW mix and add saturation/dirt? Have you tried that out? That would probably be my main use of it which is why I ask.

Sound Parcel is legit. I have spoken to those guys before, super nice guys with a focus on niche brands like Bastl.

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Bastl’s own vids:


Thanks for confirming. I might just pre-order there in that case

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You can definitely do that yeah. I tend to mostly crunch up drums with these units and finish in Logic with iZotope (I like a mix of clean and dirty), but you could run the mix out into the Bestie for some overdrive on one of the channels for sho.

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