Bastl Bestie - Portable Stereo Mixer and dirty feedback loop

Just adding a second voice here to say that Sound Parcel is legit. Have ordered from them (and returned) with no issues.


awesome. Yeah. It seems like it could be an amazing summing mixer for lofi sounding tracks. Especially if you summed 4 groups and then left the feedback channel open to generate some noise. Could glue things together incredibly well. If you try this please let us know as we wait to get one.

Sounds like you’ll probably want a compressor after the Bestie to level the sound out if you’re doing crazy tweaking like in that M8 + Steam Deck demo.

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Wow this looks like a lot of fun. I know for my layout that I will probably be annoyed that all the inputs are in the front, could be quite the cable mess. But thats a minor quibble, I know they were trying to keep to a small form factor.

This is probs right. With the feedback loop alone it was fine, but with individual channels pushing you could do with a limiter etc. I think it’s worth saying that a mixer isn’t intended to be the final part of any mixing/mastering chain, so that’s normal and expected (not as a reply to you… more because generally folks are chatting about the lack of a master volume)


I think it would be great with a really dirty limiter after, like the old Alesis Micro Limiter. I have one of those and it’s a bit noisy, but I love the character it adds. It would probably sound good after the Bestie.

These videos are making me want to have a feedback session on my regular mixer. I think I know what I’m doing this weekend!

Even though feedback is generally possible on most mixers, it seems nice to have a dedicated mixer with feedback, so you can still have clean sounds on a main mixer.

I am curious if the OTO Boum could work after the mixer as an end of chain. I don’t try and master my tracks in a summing mixer, just add some dirt and glue everything together. The Boum has a compressor that sounds quite good if not overdone.

4 stems out of my DAW to patchbay into Bestie into Boum, back into DAW to record the stereo file and then send to mastering would be my workflow.

Sounds like a nice idea to me, though there maybe is a bit of overlap in the coloration of both machines? I suppose the feedback on the bastl could be brought in line by the compressor if you plan on messing with that as your record. I’ve heard it is similar to the dude mixer where if you drive individual tracks they start to duck the other tracks a bit, so there is some psuedo compression effect sort of as part of it’s over all glue.

Yeah, its 2 character pieces which could be amazing potentially. I should say that I like dirt and lofi sounds more than clean and EDM style ones. So I have no problem pummeling a mix with dirt or heavy compression if it adds to the vibe.

The Boum can be pretty clean if you keep the filter open and the drive off. I’d mainly use the compressor to control the mixer in this case.

The big question is how much noise would be added to the overall sound of the recording and would it be the pleasing kind or annoying?

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The nice people at Bastl hitting it again. :slight_smile:

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I’m stoked for this to start shipping. I’m rethinking my setup a bit and I’m considering having the Bestie summing a few instruments going into the Octatrack. I wanna sample that feedback!

I was just playing with some no-input mixing on my main mixer, which is really fun, but it just destroys the whole mix (of course ;)) It’ll be nice to have a more controlled feedback loop in a submix

He makes a good point about the lack of master volume! That would be a nice feature

Yeah would have been nice if the headphones out had a dip switch to set it to only have the muted tracks so you could use the mute as an aux out also… still the character of the dude was great so having essentially the same but stereo should be great, I can already think of all sorts of places I might use it.

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Maybe they are already planning ahead for a model with panning and some of the things he /you guys have mentioned

… And a little superglue


Hey there! I made a “no talk” cut of my Bestie demo for those who like noisy stuff but not my voice :wink:


Looks like these preorders started shipping!

Edit: and apparently now they’re out of stock. Sorry, didn’t realize that


Looks interesting!

This thing is dope and the stickers aren’t bad either! I spent a few minutes with it and love to hear everything fighting for headroom when dialing in the feedback! So dirty!

I’m not sure exactly how I’m going to use this, but my first setup idea is to have it mix a few instruments before going into the Octatrack, so I can sample the feedback mayhem. I’m also tempted to have this on an aux channel from the OT to send all sorts of sampled material through it.

This is so much easier than setting up no-input mixing :slight_smile: