Before I make music today…

… I have to…

1 work a half day
2 stop by the store for a few items
3 eat lunch
4 walk my dog up this little mountain nearby
5 shower

That should be around 2:30-3pm my time (it’s 6:30 AM now) and I’ll have a good chunk of time until bedtime.

What, if anything, is your list?

  1. wake up
  2. drink a BIG mug of water while brewing my morning coffee
    (no coffee machines allowed in my apartment)
  3. wake up my new shiny Mac Mini M1 with Drambo, and here i go.

Do tons of things that aren’t that important to later realize that it’s too late for making music because I need to watch random restoration videos on YouTube.

  1. Wake up
  2. Get youngest kid ready and to childminder
    3.Return home and get older boy out to high school.
  3. Work 8 hours.
  4. Collect son from childminder.
  5. Dinners/packed lunches
  6. Homework
  7. Eldest to swimming club, youngest to kickboxing and collect them.
  8. Sort out birthday present for youngest.
  9. Power up studio. Spent 10 mins making a loop before deciding I’m too tired haha.

This is a relatively easy day as our dog is in kennel so she get’s familiar before holiday. Usually have morning walk and my lunch break walk with her but today I can eat properly and post here :grinning:

  1. Do a load of shit that makes me way too tired to make anything decent.

  2. Make shit music.

  3. Shut-up.


Get up/shower
Go pick up kids from house (I’m kicked out of the house right now-long story)
Take them to school
Go to work
Teach my ass off until 3:05
Go pick kids up/take them home
Go back to my Dad’s house
Change into more comfortable clothes
Get my mind right
Turn on the OT and op-1f and laptop
Start fucking around until all hours of the night
My life is kind of sad right now but I’m still gonna make music and I may be in the running for a better job so there’s always something to be thankful for, right?


There should be a “Relationship Versus Gear” thread…
(actually there is most probably something like that already, haven’t searched)

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  1. Get up and make coffee
  2. Meet the sunrise
  3. Recall my life’s purpose / set my intentions for the day
  4. Sit quietly for 10 minutes
  5. Make the kids breakfast, make my breakfast, shower, eat, drop the kids off at school
  6. Drive to work (school)
  7. Pick the kids up
  8. Dinner
  9. Unload / load the dishwasher
  10. Review Chinese flashcards
  11. Read the kids a story
  12. Fart around on the internet for just long enough for it to become tedious
  13. Make music (approximately 21:00)
  14. Bed (22:00)
  • I shower one part of the body, today is right foot
  • I eat Reblochon ice cream for breakfast
  • I watch “The Room” at 4x speed
  • I try again to complete the Path of Pain in Hollow Knight with oven gloves.

It’s a strict routine.


Be awake from shingles. Have been up for days with shingles. Red tape prevents pain meds for shingles even though prescribed. Play in traffic from shingles. Try to learn this Roland J_6 I snagged for an early shingles birthday. Drown self in lake from shingles to nice chords.


Having shingles was the worst week of my life.

I feel your pain.

  1. Woken by cats between 3am and 5am, demanding permission to eat the food already in their bowls.
  2. Go back to bed.
  3. Wake at 8:15. No school run today due to teacher strikes.
  4. Medicate.
  5. Shower.
  6. Make porridge and a big mug of tea while emptying dishwasher.
  7. Commute to the spare room and start work day for 9ish.
  8. Check in with colleagues on Slack and Basecamp.
  9. Work on a UI style guide for an app.
  10. Feed cats and make coffee.
  11. Wake child #1 for medication, food and home tutoring.
  12. Make a falafel wrap.
  13. Put in a load of laundry but forget to hang it out to dry.
  14. Continue with work tasks until 5:30ish.
  15. Decompress and doom scroll.
  16. Make pizza for myself and child #2.
  17. Catch up with my wife when she returns from a hard day of nannying.
  18. Help child #2 with homework.
  19. Load dishwasher and wash surplus dishes.
  20. Procrastinate rather than make any music.
  21. Panic about finances. Prepare gear listings for the Marketplace/eBay/Reverb.
  22. Watch some TV with wife.
  23. Remember laundry from earlier.
  24. Post today’s submission to 36 Days of Type.
  25. In bed by midnight.

Wake up
Wait for the weekend to come
Go to bed


Wake up.
Make tea.
Work for 8 hours.
Contemplate how much I hate selling my labor for 25% of what my employer charges clients.
Go for a walk.
Wish it was the weekend.
Dinner with my wife.
An hour-ish of music-making.
Hang out with my wife a bit.


I cheat and consider bus time as studio time so it be something like…

5-6am = wake up/coffee + morning tasks
7-8am = snacks and shower
8am = walk to bus listening to device du jour.
8:25-9:25 = ride bus or wait for bus while programming on device du jour.


No coffee machines allowed in in your apartment!?

I started a new job in a different time zone and am packing for a cross country move. So these past few weeks have been a bit hectic:

6am - get up, coffee, etc
7am - login, start work
4-6pm - wrap up work
6-7pm - dinner, sitcoms w/ wife
7-10pm - pack
10-10:30pm - work on music

I know I keep plugging this, but the Blackbox has been great for this period in my life. It’s just as easy to use on the desk as it is handheld in bed, and since I’m using it less as a live performance device, I can work on things over a longer stretch of time.



5:30. Wake up and wonder where I am and have a feeling ive been fighting something in my ”dreams”. Tense and everything spins for 1 min. Realize Im between 2 sleeping hounds in the sofa downstairs. Read meaningless shit on the phone for 15 min then dress and brush in 2 and run to the bus.

Work for 9 hours but didnt hate everything like yesterday. It was hectic and fun. Baked danish pastrys for the first time.

Took the bus home and worked on a pretty good jungletune for the dnb battle on my laptop.

16:42 Home and cuddle and walk my dogs. Beat so on the couch now writing this.

In 10 mins im gonna drink a beer and do the hardest electro ever.

  1. Make dinner

Then around 19 go out and chop firewood til I die. Hopefully jump the trampoline with my daughter and laugh together for awhile.

Watch a flick and pass out between my dogs about 22:30

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I make music when the mood strikes. Sometimes I wake up and let the dog out in the basement (studio). While the dog’s doing their business I might turn a machine on.

I have a DJS-1000 set up next to my CDJs in the living room. If Im making or eating dinner, I might make a quick beat or mix some tracks.

Sitting on the couch watching basketball I might grab the laptop and fool around with Ableton.

No real set music making time; I just do it when it comes to me. I have random music making stuff all over the house.

I’m not a professional music maker so it’s just all fun and games.

Setting aside a specific time to make music doesn’t work for me. I may not want to make music between 6-8pm

This hurts because it’s too true to me… Fuck.

  1. Wake up too late, 45 min before work
  2. Make coffee to be able to act somewhat decent in the 1st hour of work
  3. Work 4 hours
  4. Try to prep some quick lunch
  5. Work 4 hours
  6. Feeling too tired, try to relax and decompress a bit
  7. Can’t relax, feels like I’m wasting time
  8. Make dinner
  9. Try to make shit music
  10. It’s shit, I’m too tired, give up
  11. Stay awake for too long doing nothing good
  12. Try to fall asleep, intrusive thoughts of when this never-ending tiredness will abate
  13. Finally manage to sleep, but it’s late already, gonna be tired next day.

Feeling tired is sucking my life away from me :joy: