Before I make music today…

properly brewed (i.e. sand brewed) coffee only.
with spices (at least cardamon & cinnamon).


Oh I misunderstood that it was your choice, I thought your apartment management forbid them in the apartments lol.

Sorry man, hope things work out for you.

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Interesting thread.

  1. Make breakfast
  2. Wake children up
  3. Get children ready for school
  4. Take children to school
  5. Cycle to work
  6. Work approx 8 hour day
  7. Cycle home
  8. Eat dinner
  9. Put clothes washing in the machine
  10. Get kids to sleep
  11. Take old washing off line
  12. Put new washing on the line
  13. Help tidy up kitchen
  14. Open beer

Then, music making starts!

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Today I:

  • Woke up at 3am with a toddler standing on my stomach trying to get in to bed with us.
  • Got up at 07.30 after subsequent patchy sleep
  • Made breakfast for and dressed kids
  • Put child in van, caught my forehead during door closing procedure
  • Bled profusely
  • Took child to nursery then drove to minor injuries
  • Had maxiofacial surgeon give me 5 stitches
  • Drove to work and got zero sympathy
  • Drove home to a quiet house to commence cooking dinner
  • Eating, bathtime, storytime and preloading the washing machine with mixed colours still stand between an hour of semi productive nodding with synths.

This is mostly most days, minus the head injury.

I’ll bite.

Wake up between 5 and 6am.
Make the childs school lunch.
Drink coffee, catch up on emails, read news.
Take child to school.
Return home, finish coffee, shower.
Most days head off to appointment with one of five different medical specialists.
Take meds to avoid debilitating panic attack at medical appointments. Except the reconstructive dentist who has a therapy dog, no meds needed.
Return home, eat something, try to recover from “peopling” and being physically poked and prodded.
Realize making sounds on my synths would make me feel great, but there’s laundry/trash/grocery shopping/vacuuming/etc.
Finish house chores, and breathe.
Music time! Nope it’s time to pick up the child.
Come home, start planning dinner for family, getting any other chores finished before partner gets home, so we can spend time together as a family.
Partner gets home, has to clean up, we all eat.
We’re all exhausted, may watch a show or two together, catch up with each other.
Music time! Naw, I only get about two hours with my family each day, and I feel guilty not spending it with them. No music today.
Realize we have passed out watching a show, the child has retired upstairs to enjoy teenage independence, so we slump off to bed.
Turn on Midsommer Murders, make it 10 minutes in and pass out.

Repeat daily. Weekends are for yard work, two person projects, helping elderly parents, or just reconnecting with each other.

At most I ever get an hour at a time to spend making sounds, and it’s because I happen to have a free window every few days. I often miss being young and bored, with nothing to do. But I also love my family.

Life’s not bad, but I miss having open ended spans of time to get creative and explore.


Damn. This thread feels both like a punch in the stomach and somewhat relieving at the same time.

Somewhat relieving because I don’t seem to be the only one having almost no free time for making music.

A punch in the stomach because reading all your answers gives me the impression that many of us are not enjoying the way we spend our daily life. Sure, we’ll probably have no choice (or at least it seems so), but isn’t that kinda sad?


I don’t assume I am special so I figured ‘kinda sad’ was the norm. Which is sad. Better than shingles, this is fucking bullshit lol, but indeed sad.


1 up at 6:30 am
2 shower
3 bus and train to work in just under 2 hours
4 take students for a shoot
5 visit new film studio
6 trek home
7 collect kids
8 make dinner for wive and kids
9 kids to bed
10 drink few Guineas
11 watch a crap movie
12 bed

Reading this thread made me too tired to do anything.

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Shingles fucking suck. A few years ago while I was still in my 30s I was on a really bad bender, ended up getting thrown out of my favorite bar for a month, and the next day I woke to discover well, shingles took over my left arm. Absolutely disgusting and painful as hell. Hope you got some antiviral pills as they can cut a week or so off of the pox.

At this point I’m thinking it might be a good idea to create a Shingles thread. I kid, I kid.

I’m only familiar with elderly folks getting shingles, y’all are scaring me.

Anyone who has had chicken pox has a good chance of developing them at some point as the virus lays dormant in the spinal column. Better to get them on the younger side, like chicken pox. I got the pox in HS and that was more hellish than shingles…

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Is it related to post covid? I do feel the same tiredness but can’t figure out if it related to post covid or agin!? Anyway, yes it’s the worst! Only way to fight it, is to fight it.

Childhood chickenpox survivor here, I’ve got the scars to prove it. Currently Googling shingles :frowning_face:

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Seeing all the lists I’ve only got one question:

Do you live the life you want!?


Well, I think the first sign is a really weird muscle ache, fyi. It felt like someone beat my arm with a bar of soap in a sock, before all hell broke loose. I thought someone might of kicked me repeatedly while drunk in a gutter…which would of been better than getting shingles.

For sure, I chose it everyday. It’s not perfect, but the alternative of solitude sounds worse.

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I already feel like I’ve been beaten with a soap filled sock, what’s phase two, ha? At this point it would just have to get in line behind all of my other ailments.

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So basically, everyone is overworked, sleep-deprived, and barely has time to make music.