Before I make music today…

6.30am - 9.00pm - Work and Family time
9.00pm - 11.30pm - Me time = Music time

Sleep, repeat


I’m just about to head to bed so instead I’ll say what my plan is for tomorrow:

  • Get up about 6:30 and get showered and fed.
  • Working all day at the desk at the back of my living room.
  • Quickly throw some pasta down my neck when I get finished work.
  • Head out to watch Auchinleck Talbot take on Clydebank in the final of the West of Scotland League Cup.
  • Collect some beers on the way back.
  • Stop in at my pals to consume those beers and make ridiculous sounds with synthesisers.



I’m just happy for today, here’s to hoping for tomorrow!


And what are we watching being restored?

New life with baby has removed all of the time in the evening I had for music. For now it’s

  1. wake up
  2. brew coffee
  3. sit in stupor amidst tangle of wires
  4. do one small thing (set up a keyboard stand, wrap up a cable) that gets my former studio closer to being able to make music as before
  5. drink coffee
  6. everyone’s awake
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Same but Me time is more 10:30pm - 12pm. However I can’t make music too late because it will prevent me from sleeping well.


Lately it’s:

Wake up 750am.
Read news, emails, scan of the forum
Get up 825ish, few quick exercises, breakfast, shower
Start work 9am (from home mostly)
Blur of work, house work, procrastination, eating until 530ish
Feed pets and prep dinner and watch some tv with wife up until around 8ish
Go and play Borderlands 3 instead of making music.
Sleep and repeat.

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Modern life is rubbish. :worried:


Wake up 6:45 AM
Wake my son up.
Make lunch, and brew coffee for wife.
Clean up any mess the dogs created over night.
Lay back down for 45 minutes.
Wake up at 8 AM
Open up my Office hour link, and prepare the lecture for the day.
8:30 AM first class starts. Use big words, geek out on historical facts, talk trash about modern rap, drop a dumb joke or two, to keep the audience coming back for more. Wrap up, and review what we covered in class for the day, and review what’s the topic for the next day (maybe review the assignment if there is one, but I don’t usually roll that way).
Rinse and repeat for two more classes until lunch at 11:30-12:10.
If it’s not too hot, take the dog on a quick walk. If it is (which is now the case, check the news, and if time get in a couple of shit post).
12:10-2:30, two more classes (See above)
2:45-3:00, pick up my son from school.
3-5:30, Help with homework, get in a shit post or two, prepare dinner, greet wife when she comes home, eat.
6-7:30/8- Watch something with the wife, and shit post at the same time.
8-9:30- Piece together the next days lecture and supporting material.
9:30-9:45- Get my son ready for bed, lights out.
9:45-12:30/1ish- Check emails, make sure I’ve got tomorrows classes all figured out, develop a rough idea to the order of things, and then…FUCKING JAM ON IT, after a few shit post, and ninja edits because I think I’m becoming dyslexic as I get older, plus my fucking phone’s auto-correct can go duck itself.
1 AM- Sneak into bed, recite “Today Was A Good Day” by Ice Cube, think about a banging beat arrangement that I failed to think about earlier, curse myself for it.
2-4AM- Periodically get woken up by the dog that needs help getting up into the bed.

Rinse and repeat over and over again.


“How in the hell could a man enjoy being awakened at 8:30 a.m. by an alarm clock, leap out of bed, dress, force-feed, shit, piss, brush teeth and hair, and fight traffic to get to a place where essentially you made lots of money for somebody else and were asked to be grateful for the opportunity to do so?”

  • Charles Bukowski

Life is awesome, make the most of it!


Only slackers sleep in until 8:30am.

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Yeah, I’m up at 4am weekdays, but if you know anything about Bukowski, 8:30am is a pretty ambitious time for him to be getting up.

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I don’t disagree that modern times are full of rubbish but I’m pretty sure if Bukowski came of age 100 years earlier he wouldn’t of had better opportunities to sleep in and slack off.

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yeah, me too. Thanks. I will say, this is one of the more supportive, empathetic, genuine places on the internet these days. We should be proud of ourselves for that.


5-7am - woke up by my son (hope its the latter time)
Make baby milk / feed son
Change son
Make coffee
Wake up daughter
Make breakfast for daughter
Wake up wife lol
Make wife coffee / have second coffee
Head to gym if lucky
Have shower
Watch videos downloaded from YouTube

Big gap of various crap I do throughout day

5pm bath son or make dinner (rotate with wife)
6pm eat dinner
7pm put son to bed or wash dishes (rotate with wife)
Open beer or wine
Sit at home studio desk
Configure more then play lol
Continue until 9pm or watch a movie with wife
Go to bed and repeat!!!

Similar to a lot here haha

To echo this


You know what I was actually going to detail my day before I managed to get an hour at my rig to do a little tinkering to some tunes I have in progress but I realised halfway through typing it that I was boring myself as I listed all the mundane shit that happened in between the good stuff like taking the kids to the garden centre to buy some plants to make a hanging basket for their 89 yr old “gannys” birthday or dropping off that pressie and singing to her at the top of their voices… I also ate a fantastic sausage roll in the warm sun while my son ran in circles round a bird bath making the invincibility tune from super mario world… so yeah I did snatch and hour to do some stuff which isn’t very long in the scheme of things but today was a good day and I almost got a couple of beats over the finish line…



I had chicken pox at 39. I’d never had it as a kid and it was really, really rough. I was off work for 3 weeks and I felt like a diseased animal. I was climbing in the bath at 3 in the morning trying to escape the itching.

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