Behringer 2600

Just bought a Behringer 2600. I have a noob 2600 question. How can I get the envelope to control the VCA? Now it just drones. I can get the ADSR to open and close the filter.

The initial Gain is wide open - bring that down

also modulate the amp with an envelope

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Initial gain is now closed and VCA ADSR brought up. It still drones. How do I modulate the amp with the envelope?

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Never mind, I figured it out! :grinning:

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It’s a really nice synth that can do stuff that my other analogs can’t. At least not that easily at hand on my other analogs.

The build quality of the enclosure is obviously built like a tank, but I am a bit surprised over how fragile the sliders feels. Feels like some will break over time.

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None of mine have failed/broken or even got scratchy (early adopter/first shipment of both the Odyssey and Marvin). I suppose like anything they’ll break if they get abused but in normal use I’ve had zero issues over a few years now. Likewise for the Cat sliders (although they’re a shorter travel slider)

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Sounds good. Yeah, maybe they just feel fragile, but that they will hold over time. But otherwise I like to use sliders instead of knobs that are more common for a change.

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Yeah there’s deffo something about slider interfaces I like, especially for mixer and envelope controls. The Marvin/2600 has got sweet spots all over the place imo. It was only after I’d started to dig in and use it more that I realised some of my fave synth sounds of yesteryear were clearly made on OG 2600’s.


I was impressed by the feel of the sliders. I have the Marvin also. I thought it was going to be more flimsy and harder to dial in those sweet spots, but that hasn’t been my experience at all.


So what racks would people recommend for this?

I must say I am blown away by this synth soundwise after 3 nights with it. Its sweet spots everywhere and the envelopes are so smooth! I dont think it sounds exactly like an OG 2600 and I knew that before buying. It has more of a modern sound to it to my ears. But that’s great because then we have a different version of this synth.

I might even go for a Korg 2600M in the future.

Must say it feels amazing to finally have a hardware version of the 2600. I have craved it for many years.


I use this rack made by On Stage…

I mounted the Barp sticking above the top, with the top cross rail mounted in the middle as a cable hanger below the synth…

This is on a low coffee table (about 16 inches high) and this places the Barp at a perfect height straight across from me when seated in my office chair.

The plan will be to eventually add two of these in the space underneath to add some complimentary Eurorack modules…

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I ordered these an they work out well. I have a shared space with the love of my life, so softening the electronic bits with walnut wood cheeks makes for a happy home.


Excellent advice.

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Question! Ive tried searching online but I can’t really find a clear answer in the hundreds of pages of threads at GearSpace.

If I hit a note on my Keystep, via midi, I hear it gate open my VCA and the right pitch. But when I let go the key, the pitch jumps down to the core pitch of the VCO slider. I believe this is the normal (B)ARP behavior? I’ve tried running the pitch via the S&H section but that seems to still get triggered by other stuff and doesn’t seem to keep pitch well anyway.

Is there a way around this issue? Am I just using the S&H wrong or is the solution something else?

Thanks in advance

Not sure if I understand correctly, but do you have continuous ‘drone’ of the core pitch, which then changes to the correct pitch while you press a key? In that case, turn down ‘Initial gain’ (to the right of ADSR)

No I don’t think that is normal behavior.
The pitch sliders are all offsets, so to speak.
So there is not really such a thing as core pitch (apart maybe from the pitch it carries when you switch it on… but that should be gone once it receives a note).

The pitch should remain at the last note played.
Perhaps there is a held note on Keystep (or from another source) that it returns to? Because it missed a note-off?

Or anything plugged into Interval Latch?
I haven’t tried that out myself…

You know you shouldn’t plug gates into pitch CV, right?
Just kidding… :wink:

Perhaps try a MIDI monitor, to check what is sent to the 2600 (or sending an All Notes Off command…)

Thanks both. I have it working for some reason now. Turned it on and there it was.

Not sure if I moved something around without realizing that fixed things, or if it’s buggy firmware. I think and hope it’ll be the first.


Does anybody here uses Behringer 2600 who could help me out please
I am struggling to know how to stop triggering 2600 when the sequencer is stopped, i get trigger on and off constantly after i stopped the sequence.
Is that something to do with sample and hold?