Behringer RD-9

I read the small print on andertons and there is a way to only pay a deposit , but it’s not very prominent

I ordered a td-3mo but cancelled it.
Shipping / slipping dates are getting worse.

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Mines all paid for mate but they keep on changing the date. Next it’ll be January 2022 I bet.

I want the new version of the RD-8, and a TD-MO, but shops here just left their “in a few months” tag up, and haven’t changed. Just going to wait it out.

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I had a TD-MO on reserve at Sweetwater for months, since the day Behringer posted the TD-MO video on YouTube. Finally canceled yesterday and ordered a Roland MV1 instead.

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actually i wanted a RD-9 but instead of waiting, i’ve built me a better 909 :wink:


Well it still says 30th November on the Anderton’s website so I’m hoping the dates don’t get shifted again. Like I say ordered mine 12th June 2021 so hopefully no more waiting :+1:

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Seriously I’m thinking about cancelling my order for the RD-9

Yesterday it said 30th November and now for the 6th time the date has changed and now saying… More stock due on Thursday, 9 December 2021

FFS Don’t advertise gear you can’t get.

Andertons RD-9

And don’t buy stuff that’s not in stock maybe ? :smirk:

And I’m saying that while having a TD3-MO order at Thomann :rofl:

Yeah but ordered on 12th June I was ok with September but now it’s becoming a joke saying December.

Yeah, but maybe Uli himself is making a really special one just for you…

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It’ll probably be DOA when it eventually gets here knowing my luck

Best to check with your sales agent. Can’t say about Andertons but many online retailers show availability, if you order it right now. On a popular item like this there is a queue and you’re in it. At least that’s what has happened for me.

I suppose or hope you did not pay for it yet so I would stick to the preorder…and once you finally receive it test it , send it back or maybe even sell it for a better price… just my 2 cents

Your cirklon would arrive sooner


Seems Anderton’s have the RD-9 in stock from today but my order still says it’s processing as Iv’e not received and email yet about dispatch. Anyone have one on pre order here as well, got any email?


Gearnews has a horribly written article about how there seems to be a few RD-9s out “in the wild”. The article is pretty poorly researched but perhaps there is a crumb there if you care to look.

I was expecting it to be much more expensive on eBay. Only about £600 on that auction.

Normal Retail price is good value and they do seem to be appearing finally, but I’ll carry on with sample packs / tr8 etc.

lol. company begins cloning gear because the originals became too expensive to purchase. can’t meet demand. customers sell them at double the price.

it’s almost poetic.


Hasn’t sold yet.

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