Behringer RD-9

I joined the rd9 Facebook group when it was first announced and they are all still there waiting in agony for it to be released something like 2 years later :joy:

Someone criticises Behringer occasionally and hardcore behringer fans get upset telling them to leave Uli the lord and saviour alone.

Iā€™m not remotely interested in the rd9 anymore but itā€™s a hilarious yet depressing group :sweat_smile:


It played, but was being choked by the closed hat.

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True, that group is fun to be in just to read all the depression :grin:


haha i know, if it ever does get released the group wont be any good anymore


I got so impatient I just bought a Tr-8S instead


Which is supposed to be a really good alternativeā€¦ havenā€™t had my hands on it yet

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you want ā€œreal analogueā€ or a convenient box that sounds really close? I think the Roland TR6s/8/8s boxes sound very nice.

is it finally coming?


shipping in 1-2 month it says in the description

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hats sound better. drums are close enough. cymbal and claps are trash. they were wise not to solo them in the video.

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Hmm the clap isnā€™t right here it sounds like the D16 Drumazon itā€™s phasing might be YouTube butā€¦
Iā€™ll still buy it

for fully fledged production i struggle integrating drum machines (except the rytm :heart:) so this one would sit only in a jam setup anyway. and for this purpose its close enough iā€™d say.

i tried it at superbooth 2 years ago and had lots of fun with it, perfect for jamming.
but i wish there was more space between knobs.

If they were smart theyā€™d get Jeff Mills to use one. When did they switch out their whole marketing team? Havenā€™t seen the original 3 people in a while now.


I noticed that too.

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Dude said ā€œauthenticā€ more times than a self help coach who moonlights at a Mexican restaurant making table side guacamole.


we even talked about that at their booth and they seemed rly receptive about it. but in the end the design was already done i guess ^^ maybe some smaller knob caps would be a solution :thinking:

and ironically, itā€™s all because Behringer wants a seat at the ā€œauthenticā€ tableā€¦

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It doesnā€™t sound that bad, maybe close enough, Are the hihats samples or synthesised?
the extra pitch on kick probably wasnā€™t needed if they made it so it can be switched off.
my Rytm is certainly not concerned about itā€™s place on the desk anyhow.

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in the original, the cymbals are all sampled. not sure how B got around lifting the original samples and re-distributing/selling themā€¦ unless they tracked down the original cymbals themselves and created their own samples; hence why they sound kinda offā€¦?

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i think the hats are sample based, but i am not 100 % sureā€¦ maybe someone else can confirm this?

same, my rytm is not going anywhere.
the last drum maschine u ever need :upside_down_face:

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