Behringer TD-3 [303 clone]

wow the comments on this facebook thread are hilarious. So much pearl clutching outrage over something as mundane as a synth clone and some legal matters no one other than the 2 parties know all the details of. Silencing free speech :joy: now I have to answer my door… I think UPS just delivered my TD-3




Really having fun programming TD-3 patterns on the Mac with the software BUT… I can only play my TD-3 via the internal sequencer. Can’t get it to trigger via midi or usb.
Anyone else any ideas? I’m trying to trigger via the Akai MPC X midi out A port no joy.

I dont own an MPC X, but I bet there is a setting to send Transport out via midi that may ben disabled. Check the midi out settings.

Yeah I have the MPC X triggering the A4 etc no problem but for some reason the only way the TD3 will play is if I set it to internal.
Just won’t play ball if I set it to midi.
Will try more settings



TD-3 won’t play notes from midi input if internal sequencer is running.

Hahaha those firmware technical notes.

‘Acid box not yellow enough’ when?

Damn lol user error, I had forgot to activate the other midi outs on the Akai MPC X duh! Now it all works. Only had midi out A activated


For 116€ delivered I could not resist, I do not mind waiting as I have enough gear to play with for now. I may even get two!!, but I think I will wait to have one before that.
Sequencing two of them from the Circuit monostation could be very fun…

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Just to reiterate the above. for UK folks currently it’s £97 pre-order at Gear4music.

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According to Thomann Service. Yellow one TD-3-YW will be soon available for pre-order.


That April delivery date stings tho…

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I know. But I don’t think the wait will be that long.

Mine arrived yesterday. Feels positives and negatives found…
I’ve found the saw and filter a little strange with my other references. Does someone find the same?
The dist circuit love it.

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Yep the square is way better and accurate.

i tried trawling this thread for some insights but couldn’t find a direct answer to:

The on board sequencer on this thing, is it as liquidly funkily mutant as the TB303s sequencer or very rigid in comparison?

modding page cites the microprocessor as an ARM 32P, type GD32F350C8T6
in full nerd mode does anyone know what microprocessor powered the originals sequencer? wait scrap that.

fascinating shit. :grin:

“The interaction of different clock sources and processing times in the interrupt routine in the digital section of the TB-303 brings a noticeable amount of fluctuations to the timing of the TB-303 sequencer. Even if the nuances are small, an emulation of the original TB-303 can not claim to be complete without taking these variations into consid- eration.”

true this, when i had a 303 hooked upto rytm din sync was getting the lushest groove mutations.

so, can any users confirm/deny behringer have emulated this crucial element of the 303 sound?


That’s an interesting read, however “Crucial” is highly subjective here, for modified 303s have been used for years with various sync options, or even without the internal sequencer, with great groovy results.

If the underlying question is to know if the TD-3 as a clone is as accurate as, say, a DinSync RE-303… well, probably not. So if you’re going the nerdus maximus route, better choose the DinSync (or better, grab an original).

The on board sequencer on this thing, is it as liquidly funkily mutant as the TB303s sequencer or very rigid in comparison?

“Liquid” is certainly how I would describe the TD-3 as a whole, more so than the TB-03, but YMMV.


appreciate your response, yes it’s totally subjective, having only borrowed a TB303 on a few occasions I felt the combo of the sequencer and synthesis was really spesh.
i have pre ordered a TD-3 so will find out for myself soon enough, i assume the digital interface is an exciting opportunity to explore these kind of nuances (and more) into the future.
the other most attractive element for the TD-3 is the modding potential, track down the Behringer TD-3 Modifications Guide if you can.
Also this statement from the lovely Robin and Tina Whittle is really exciting:
“We plan to develop circuit boards and a front panel for Devil Fish mods for Behringer’s [TD-3]. Please don’t hold your breath for this - we have a lot of work to do already, and the overall design, PCB design, SMT assembly etc. will take a year or so at least.”
old news maybe, still exciting tho.

edit, post receiving and playing with my TD3: i’ve got no issue with the sequencer, receiving midi clock down a chain it seemed to liquidise nicely around the beat with a certain funk fricassee that i really like. great machine. now the question is; to mod or not to mod.


Indeed, no fear for mods when a unit has such a low price. Hence the very clever move from the Whittles…