Behringer TD-3 [303 clone]

Very easy to do some mods on it, specially useful the rubbery mod.

Iā€™m thinking to sell mine as wellā€¦ the MAM does the job well and the slide works fineā€¦


Iā€™m not liking the sound of it or the quality of the build. I understand itā€™s $150. But for that amount you could get something that has much more functionality and a wider sound pallet. I know this is a recreation for nostalgic purposes but itā€™s just not for me. I had the tb3 and the the tt303 and both were much better in every department. You get what you pay. Iā€™m willing to pay a little more and get a lot more.

I have the neutron and the crave as well as far as Behringer synths go and really like them. So Iā€™m not just basing it on it being a Behringer product. I feel it would have been smarter on Behringer part to have done like they have done with their other clone releases and included some additions or improvements and charged a little more for them. Iā€™m going for the next batch of Avalonā€™s and the Erica Synths Bassline.


Sorry, but funny. :wink:

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I know. But itā€™s true. Itā€™s very hollow plasticy feeling. My wife said it seemed more cheap feeling than some kidā€™s toys.

Alright good to hear your thoughts, Iā€™m not sure what you mean by some of it, $150 is the price of a Volca, you know what a 303 does and from the too many videos Iā€™ve watched the sound is almost identical, so not quite sure what you were expecting, but hey, good to hear your thoughts regardless and thanks for the reply!


Youā€™re saying this is the most authentic clone ever made? :rofl:


I hate Behringerā€¦butā€¦their rip off actually sounds more authentic than the TB-3.
Rolandā€™s rerelease sounds kinda dead and canā€™t squelch like it should. Sure itā€™s built really nice, itā€™s just on the weak side.
The TD-3 actually sounds better. But you buy into the shamelessness.

I guess you can forge your own way, rather than follow the template right? Go forward, not sideways. Define your own style.


The silver td3 is in stock at Sweetwater as of this post.

I wrote a post about why I think Behringer is doing a good job and Roland crapped the bedā€¦then decided whatā€™s the point of continuing this extremely drawn out debate.
Iā€™ll just say this:
Iā€™m getting a TD-3 in black the moment they hit the shelves in US. Sounds great, and itā€™s just a hair over the price I spent on ABL3.


According to thomann Iā€™ll have to wait about 2-3 weeks if Iā€™m going to order the black one or I take the blue and have it in 2-5 daysā€¦
I guess thereā€™s no difference between the colors in terms of soundā€¦ I donā€™t know
I once bought the tt303 and was not satisfied with the sound because I always compared it to my a4 ā€¦ however cost wise it wouldnā€™t hurt me to go down this path again

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iā€™m curious if through usb they can change the midi in to accept sync24.

iā€™d appreciate this in part to compare how it affects the sequencer (probably nothing), but mostly so i can use my rytms vacant thru port.


How has it been working out for you? I got a replacement and it has the same problem. :frowning_face:
Iā€™m going to get another recording shortly.

I donā€™t hate Behringer. Iā€™ve owned some terrible mixers from them years ago too.

Soā€¦I was all set to return the thing, already emailed Ed at Sweetwater and had the return set to go. After reading all of your comments and a heavy persuasion to keep it and get to know it better Iā€™ve decided keeping it was a better option. I was too hasty in my judgement in it. My wife says as you have said that this is probably the closest accurate recreation of the tb303 you can get.

I havenā€™t opened it up to turn the vcf trim pot down but Iā€™ll be doing that soon. Also, what is the rubbery mod? Is that The envelope mod?

Iā€™ve just started looking over the td3 mods section on gearslutz. Iā€™m glad some people have talking to devilfishing it. Iā€™m probably going to get another one just for modding.

Thank you for opening my eyes guys and gals!

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That rubbery mod is explained in the TD3 mod guide in gearslutz, toguether with other mods to make it sound even closer to the 303. Perfect recreation? it is not but at 150ā‚¬ it is a dream come true.

Somepeople complain about it being plastic or the sequencer, just the two things that are spot on with the OG 303 (which runs at over 2000ā‚¬ by the way)

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Ah Iā€™m sorry to hear that. Keep us posted.
Iā€™m still waiting for mine.

For anyone who is considering modding their TD-3 , I found this online TD3MODS_VERSION1_999.pdf (2.8 MB)
Happy tinkering :mechanical_arm:


i rate this bass line synthesiser 9.8/10

it lost (imo) 0.2 due to:

  • sub depth (filter mod might help hereā€¦)
  • no din sync24 option (yet? if the rytm can alternate iā€™m assuming this is changeable via software rather than hardware, but no clue)
  • distortion sound (would like to hear a side by side with original DS-1)
  • lots of mentions of an onboard arpeggiator in promotional material, i canā€™t find it, is this due in an update? am i stupid?

but the software editing of patterns, wild biting synthesis, modding opportunities galore and all the fun of the original for 0.017 Bitcoinā€¦ what a time to be alive.



no idea where the official feature request place is for Behringer products but after a few hours solid use iā€™ll moot some here for the TD3 mostly focussed around authenticity vs 2020 added functionality:

  • should there be a TRACK mode editor in synth tool? Not sure, i enjoy programming tracks on the box, but a software mode where you could use patterns from any of the pattern groups could be a useful expansion.
  • the sequence editor in synth tool. itā€™s bare bones and great. would the addition of a brush tool, software version of the randomiser, copying and pasting of notes and other editing options be worthwhile? i think adding an accent could be more ergonomic, key+mouse click combo etc
  • Sync24 please
  • it would be fun to midi pitch bend the whole pattern while receiving clock (i need to try this, but assume you can only receive clock or midi notes/data not both, note in data temporarily overriding the pattern would be cool too). Midi note in to change the key of a pattern would be awesome, with a variable portamento time.
  • onboard arpeggiator, still not sure whatā€™s going on here, are Behringer going to reveal a button combo or something in synth tool that unlocks this? maybe itā€™s midi note in only which i havenā€™t really explored yet.

iā€™m hopeful that thereā€™s plans afoot to add extra functionality over time but unclear what aspects are hardware (moddable) and what have software control options. Things like variable pulsewidth could have been factored in at design stageā€¦
The filter in shouldā€™ve been switchable between audio in and CV, again moddable i believe. iā€™m not complaining and appreciate for the price why these arenā€™t onboard.

iā€™m still excited to hear the first upload of a 16 unit poly chain chord. i imagine it will sound THICK and RICH AF.

Not to take this thread off topicā€¦but does your wife have a sister available? :grin: