Behringer TD-3 [303 clone]

they can’t even fix the slide via Midi… immagine all the stuff you’re talking about…

i’ve been sequencing with midi from a Monomachine, this thing receiving MnM arps is really sweet, but i am getting mixed (but fun) results with note lengths and slide for sure.


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It seems there will be a Devilfish 303, I hope they get to understand each other.

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Damn… I like it except for the dark writing. Like Robin said, it will be a pain to read on stage/poor lighting.
Also, it really sucks that Uli can’t do better than that for DF.
If Robin is planning on doing the mods to the TD-3, then I’ll just get the regular one and send it to him for mods.
Not that my lone voice will do much but I’ll at the very least write an email/facebook message to Behringer telling them my intentions.

I’m pretty sure that these images are just submissions by fans put up on the FB page by Behringer for fun, at least that’s what I read on reddit. I doubt they would release one that says “Murdered Out” on the front, I’ve always thought that phrase was so try-hard and lame. Also, it looks nothing like a real rendering if you look closely.

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Ah dang, didn’t check out facebook yet

I did leave a comment in the behringer Facebook post, first comment I make in Facebook in years. The more the people complain or ask about the understanding between Uli and Robin the better.

There is room for negotation between 15000$ and Uli getting tattoed “Devil Fish rules” in the bottom.

In my opinion Robin was asking way too much. Something like those 15K upfron plus a small percentage of sales (3%?) would make more sense. Assisting in the design plus component choice, but he can not pretend to have totalk control over it.


Yeah, it seems like Behringer could have made it clearer that these are not official renderings and not a real product design, to avoid causing offence and damaging any chance of working with Robin Whittle (too late now though).

Or maybe they’re just fishing to see how many people want it, before they commit to actually making it (either with or without approval from RW).

Oh man what a mess! If behringer does go ahead with this, its really making me tilt my stance a bit more towards what @darenager is feeling. Not cool

Maybe the devilfish guy got greedy but 15k is a slap in the face


To be honest, this guy is a very naive negotiator. He thinks he can set the retail price by doubling it and get an insane percental cut from the sales at the same time while negotiating with Behringer who is known to not care and clone as much as legally possible. All while being a small operation selling unpatented (unpatentable?!) mods out of his garage?! It’s absurd.

He seems to overestimate his own importance for Behringer doing a devilfish clone because Behringer doesnt need him as an engineer or advice-giver for their own mod. They have experts for cloning every analogue-circuitry in music instruments. The 15k was probably more of an expense for PR than R&D and meant to fight against the “behringer is evil and doesnt give a shit about small manufacturers and inventors”-narrative, so they can put a “in collaboration with the original inventor” sticker on their boxes.

Also very childish to make this all public. The saltiness of the post speaks for it self. Let’s hope this doesn’t change Behringers opinion to reach out to other small manufacturers for collaboration.


Sounds like the gravy train is coming to the end of the line, they should feel lucky to have been in a position to exploit the artificially high cost of modding Roland gear up until now imo.

Good points in there. It’s hard to know what’s really going on in reality though; two sides and all… I hope some sort of equitable agreement occurs, but in the end, a DF’d TD3 will be an attractive item regardless of the two entities’ stances.

Looking at the prices for other unit mods (didn’t see td-3 pricing) on DF’s site makes me balk a bit. I can’t imagine spending 10x the cost of a TD3 to get a couple of parameters.
Maybe Robin has some options for much cheaper options.
Time will tell

Looks legit actually

Based on? Zoom in on the art, there are lots of artifacts, the switches have been darkened along with everything else, pretty much everything about it to my eyes looks like a mock-up in photoshop, not like one of the images Behringer releases of their prototypes or even their proposed CAD mock-ups.

I read through Robin’s entire post, kind of bummed me out actually, his “business proposal” was really bad, he should have participated and taken the $15k! @tsutek I don’t know how 15 thousand is a slap in the face for what would most likely be a VERY minimal amount of work. His proposal would have had him making more money on each unit than what Behringer probably makes currently after all is said and done, pretty silly. Did he really think they would even consider those terms!? Either way, he should have continued negotiating with Behringer versus posting this all in a public place, negotiation over.

On a related note, I looked at the pricing for DF mods and WOW!!! They are extremely costly, he is making a significant amount of money for each mod.


Well based on that it’s Behringer’s facebook and the whole write-up by Robin.
Maybe I’m confused and you are saying the mock up itself is not Behringer’s but I’m talking about the actual product being developed.

$15k is such a joke. But I’m not surprised. Kudos to the DF developer for speaking out and standing up to the company.


Behringer are effectively offering to buy control of the Devilfish brand for 15k. The TD-3 side of his business could be big or small, depending on what variants B build/market and which variants he can build/market.

Asking for royalties is asking a lot, but I don’t know how you judge that naive until you know his intentions, income and projections.

That’s what I’m saying, I don’t believe that the image itself was made by Behringer. I know that Behringer is considering a DF version of the TD-3. Robin was sent the image by someone, he didn’t receive it as part of business negotiations as the proposed product design or something like that.

Ok, I gotcha now. Just misunderstood initially

The image was posted by Behringer themselves on their own Facebook page at

Behringer very regularly posts design mockups they’ve made and then asks for feedback. I’m pretty sure they made this image as well.