Benn Jordan...... Word is Bond or a Crash Course in Synthfluencing

How much does he make from YouTube? I don’t wanna click the video :frowning:


that’s the issue here in a nutshell … instead of making the thing they want (which will have most authenticity) the youtubers all seem to be talking about algorithms and that side of the game in their vids like we should give a fuck

i really appreciate those cats who don’t play the game (that’s if you can find them, and that’s if they can be bothered doing it for no reward)

your=tubers talking about youtubing is the result of these overlords and it’s a death of individuality imho, in general terms at least

all blossoming channels go the same route when they hit a critical mass and they have to play teh game - we might as well skip forward to AI videos at this rate …

on a forum note, i’m always dismayed to see videos dropped without any accompanying text (or further contribution) it’s a bit like lighting the blue touchpaper … it’s meta-clickbait for a different reward

i hate that i have commented tbh, but youtube etc is now so invasive in our general lives that it’s hard to overlook and not get triggered

this guy is one of the more credible personalities, but i’m sensing this is this inexorable call of the algorithms to these creators which is at play (watching said video will only pollute my recommendations, so i guess we’re all playing the bots)


I thought this clip was quite insightful, but I didn’t know about how these things work behind the scenes, others here are more familiar


Same, Ricky Tinez and Loopop spring to mind, quite different channels from Jordan sure, but they never break out into the burnout/whinge/clickbait shite.


I find it hard to take the gravitas of a youtuber who shaves his eyebrows.


I’m not a fan of ricky tinez designated advertising time at the beginning and end, it’s very forced.

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I think it’s a scar but I could be wrong


It’s a scar, kickboxing or something


OOps. :zipper_mouth_face:

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Roughly $630/month (or per video? I’m 99% sure it was per month but I could be wrong) on average from YT, but it varies with views. $3600/month from Patreon before fees, and about $3200 after. Then there’s taxes and such. There’s other even more variable income like sponsorships and ad spots, something like $1,000 - 5,000 per ad spot. It seems like most are $1-2k. He indicated that he doesn’t normally take the higher paid ad spots because they’re normally for products/companies he doesn’t like.

I’d like to point out that this isn’t a video whining about income or about how hard it is to be a YouTuber or whatever. This is basically a hobby for him . He was just breaking down how much money he makes from this stuff and where that money comes from.


Me neither but they are easily skipped and I don’t begrudge the guy making a buck.

I do however get tired of some of the other YouTubers whining how they are undervalued etc.


true that man.

I wouldn’t worry too much about it, generally speaking I share the sentiment.

It looked more like a long winded stealth attempt at getting more patrons to me, but maybe I’m just cynical.


What’s the line from The Usual Suspects?

“the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist”?


Y’all need to stop with the YouTube influencers and watch more lofi beats to study too!


The very end of the video could definitely be interpreted that way, but he does already mention Patreon as his preferred way of getting financial support from viewers at the end of most videos, so I didn’t put much thought into that.

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I think that’s the last thing he says in the video, not so stealthy imo

the thing I’ve always wondered is what could make all of these people make so many funny thumbnail faces like that for the YouTube algorithm, and I think it’s because there Is potentially more money in it than I thought
Benn eluded to how he could be making more money if he wanted

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I guess I think that as @avantronica said YouTubers talking about youtube and all the trials and tribulations associated with doing it is boring AF and more than a little cliched at this point, I don’t resent them making money for all the work they put in, but I don’t need to hear about any of it. Yep, I don’t have to watch it, and often I don’t and it is the best way to get me to unsubscribe.

Make interesting or useful videos about synths and leave it at that. He is undoubtedly a talented fellow, and at times can make interesting videos, but all this off piste stuff has become a bit of a cliche with YouTubers, and not just synth channels either. It’s quite a privileged position to have a large audience and tens of thousands of subscribers, there are some really great channels that will never get there, ironically a lot of these smaller channels never seem to have this kind of video, probably because their primary focus isn’t the money.


Ah, here is that video I referenced to. Is this a trend we can expect to see this week? Sort of like the “no input mixers” from a couple of weeks ago?


Maybe they all get weekly scripts from youtube telling them what to make a video about to get the most ad revenue :laughing: