Benn Jordan...... Word is Bond or a Crash Course in Synthfluencing

sometimes it seems like YouTube is a giant mirror and we can’t handle what we see… and other times it’s just hilarious


Benn mentioned some kind of instructions that border on that but not from YouTube but from the people trying to get him to advertise their products, some even in how and when he does it within a clip

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I know a few (not synth) YouTubers, and the amount of free stuff they get sent is insane, and even 50k subs is a fairly reasonable monthly (relative, to me at least) income if you know what you are doing.


just imagine how much Loopop makes, it’s gotta be unreal… but at the end of each vid he always says that it’s the patreons that fund the channel but according to Benn’s stats he’s got to at least have the potential to be making a killing… ironically enough Loopop doesn’t do the funny face thumbnail dance does he?

i’ve only seen 1 pic of his face and ngl, it f’ed me up for a bit…
the face doesnt match the hands


:rofl: :sob: :rofl: I’m dying over here

I love loopops channel though, when I’m in a hurry and need a quick run down he’s the go to
when I’m havin coffee Ricky gets the job done
Benn and RMR are the rebels doing stuff that they are compelled to do etc… not gonna lie I always learn something from a Ben or rmr video… Benn summed up the synthfluencer game pretty good in this one I thought
reaction videos are funny, reaction videos of reaction videos are even funnier, but reaction videos to reaction videos of reaction videos are the funniest of that bunch lol
and then of course there’s the ‘beef videos’… most hilarious of all… when YouTubers have beef with other YouTubers they are so passionate about it


Nope, or any of the other crap, he makes synth review videos and he is arguably one of the best at it, he knows what his audience wants and he delivers it, no drama, no gimmicks, professional.


Now we gotta see it :laughing:

“Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain”



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He doesn’t shave his eyebrows. He was formerly a boxer and it was partially/nearly torn off.

the only thing that gets my goat up is the videos of musicians telling other musicians not to buy another synth, those ‘don’t buy’ videos… can’t stand those… who in the heck are these people to tell other people not to buy another synth, beat machine, or plugin??
maybe I’m in the minority but it’s the weirdest thing to me… and they always caveat it with 'unless you’ve got the funds, or the money to do it in that case go ahead like they are giving me permission on how and why to spend my money… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

nobody else does this, furniture makers don’t do this, coffee makers don’t do this… it’s irritating aF. lol


no this does seem a bit hypocritical, I don’t mind the redirect your gas like jorb does, but telling someone they don’t need something you just bought or got for free is a dick move.


I like Jorb so no offense to him…

but why try to redirect people from what they want, it’s like if I was in a Burger King about to order a burger and some cat whispered in my ear that I should go get an fillet o fish from Micky d’s instead I’d be irritated aF

and like I said it’s always with the as if they are your accountant letting you know but if you’ve got the funds then its ok :rofl:

I work extra hard to afford the sh*t I can’t afford get outta my face

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I can see it that way but jorb was doing it in response to being laid off from his job. It wasn’t really a topic to push the subject on people who know what they’re doing, he was just trying to reinforce it for himself. That was the impression that I got.

He’s a bit over the top honest, like too honest for youtube. That’s probably the charm of his channel, it’s unprofessional but in a very presentable way.

He was clearly worried about it because he kept bringing up how he was now unemployed and he will be creating a lot of content coming up because he doesn’t have a job. Literally saying that.

Youtube people generally pretend that sort of stuff doesn’t exist , it’s like an acting gig. He was essentially “breaking the fourth wall”.

He was just paranoid. Not really cut out for youtube but maybe that’s why people like him, I dunno.

yeah you always learn something from his channel… that’s really all I care about… I can handle quirky personalities or the fact that people are trying to do this for a living… none of that stuff bothers me

this ain’t about Jorb anyway, literally everybody does it, that’s just the part I don’t like about it

The formula has been the same ever since it started.
Your video will generate money if…

Its excedes X amount of time.
It recieves X amounts of views.
You have X amount of subscribers.

Correct me if Im wrong.

Thats it. No other criteria. So thats why there are millions of videos with literally nothing to say, no information to share, no knowledge to gain, and definitely no entertainment.

If you can be arsed to spend your time making a video that meets the criteria, it can generate cash. Thats why they want you to subscribe.

You’ll run out of things to make videos about real quick. So you’ll end up talking inane bollocks real fast. Or cut to the chase and just start with bollocks.

Personally, Id rather have a day job.


i wish my day job paid this


My solution to all of this is cutting out 90% of the synth videos I used to watch and remembering that YouTubers aren’t journalists, but generally decent people trying to cobble together a living in music. I imagine people teaching piano lessons to 7 year-olds also have existential crises, albeit private ones. Zero interest in watching “inside baseball” types of videos or other drama.


Maybe, but that fee doesnt go to Huang. He isnt a one man band at all. Theres a team of them, ive no idea how long it takes them to make a video, but its probably not just a days work.

Anyway. My solution to the all the nonsense is to simply not watch any of it. Which is quite easy as I find most of the youtubers an insult to my auditory and cognitive senses.