Benn Jordan...... Word is Bond or a Crash Course in Synthfluencing

suit yourself but I can’t live without Heinbach, when life is just too hectic and just screaming in your face Heinbach will literally force your heart beat to slow down and your blood pressure to lower :grin:


i found the scumbaggery being done by meme page marketing and youtube compilation videos to be interesting. crazy they put in those “simple licensing” contracts that they can have access to all your content and use your likeness anyway they want… forever.

videos like this are a good heads up to newbies entering into this social media influencer youtube shit show etc. and a reminder to anyone who ever gets approached by someone making promises via contract to read the fine print and if it’s too good to be true it probably is.

one thing benn does right is rarely has a thumbnail w/his mouth open like every youtuber everywhere ever. so, er… points for that.


Then why respond at all?


I have found some of Benn’s stuff interesting, like the one where he plays synths with his brain waves & others, but haven’t watched this one yet (maybe won’t now, thanks for the precis everyone! :laughing:)
…but surely, none of this is new? I remember reading years ago what Frank Zappa said to his children when they were young regarding promotion & advertising on TV* -

“remember kids, these people are paid to say this stuff”

(this is an anecdotal memory, so may be inaccurate, but it certainly sounds like something Frank would say)

*Remember TV? That thing the western world distracted itself with before we had Youtube, Snapchat & TikTok etc? :smile:

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Any time a YouTube creator is mentioned, people here trip over themselves to announce how much they despise YouTube/ particular YouTube personalities. It’s an extremely tired conversation at this point.


my go to zappa quote is

suits most situations.

often also coined as "the most plentiful ingredient in the universe is stupidity.”

apropos of nothing.


i’ve heard this quote credited to einstein more than once:

“the only thing more infinite than the universe is human stupidity”


I’m just amazed he plays so many instruments and also boxes. Tone: sincere

Also genuinely amazed those open mouth shocked YouTube thumbnails don’t turn off more viewers than they attract. It’s hard to believe they’re good for increased views.


I always thought of Zappa as the Mark Twain of Rock n’ Roll, who also happened to get a tremendous amount of groupies.


lol this is so true.

I wouldn’t be surprised to learn he was paraphrasing Einstein, Zappa was very well read.

Perhaps Picasso was not the only advocacy for theft.

All these years I thought baby snakes was just about nonsense, recently come to find out he’s talking about some female assistant recording engineers he used to get freaky with.

You never know what someone is on about until it’s too late I guess. Love the song though regardless of the context, sheik yerbouti is possibly my favorite Zappa album.


I like “Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding”.

Which one of them said that? :sunglasses:

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Frank was an amazingly quotable guy.
One of my favourites and one I have used as a signature on a few forums in the past is

Information Is Not Knowledge
Knowledge Is Not Wisdom
Wisdom Is Not Truth
Truth Is Not Beauty
Beauty Is Not Love
Love Is Not Music
Music Is The Best


I think that was Albert wasn’t it?

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That makes me think of playpm, whose whole thing is to show you free (or very cheap) software alternatives to gear. I initially liked the idea, but the guy is so unwavering in his stance and often comes off condescending.


imo they do, but probably YT algo like this stuff so it suggests it to more people outside of synth interests, and people in general just love clickbait regardless of the content, so the video gets more clicks and becomes more popular and fills everyone’s feeds… win win for YT/content creators!

i guess it’s a tough gig trying to stand out in a crowd of youtubers but I get your sentiments,

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I think of loopop as real news channel, like he delivers the news, the facts, not the opinionated debates that follow where everyone starts throwing their opinions into the mix and call it “news”, or when they create a small drama/action/thriller movie out of every “news item” just to boost ratings / glue viewers to the screen.

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If you’re good enough, you don’t have to follow the algoritm. The algoritm follows you.

That’s the dilemma with content creation. Most of us just aren’t good enough at it, and then we’d rather project the cause of this onto the climate we’re in rather than acknowledging that our choice to venture into stormy weather, means we’ll have to fight against the wind.

But to create something that reaches a vast audience is extremely difficult, even when you’re really good at it. And it’s extremely difficult because those who are really good at it, those are the ones that really do break through. And you need to be at their level, but with your own voice.

And most of us just aren’t. And some make videos about the fact, saying it’s not their fault.
But it is. It really is.