Benn Jordan...... Word is Bond or a Crash Course in Synthfluencing

Fortunately. What if he shaves his eyebrows, we couldn’t take him serious anymore


synth youtube is the worst, especially ones like this who think they can patronize the common folk and tell us how to think . rmr, this wiseguy, audiopilz, jorb. the “political” ones who parrot their late night talk show echo chamber twitter feeds

like, dont lecture me

i much prefer people who take the time to do 30 minute sound design walkthroughs or exploring new creative ideas with their synths. turning it into this space where we worship and follow youtubers just because they are into the same hobby we like and now we’re supposed to care about the drama between them makes me sick

no ben"n", you are not “influential” with your wacky pseudonym and your dentures and your crazy unique eyebrow manicuring and your ironic margaritaville casual aesthetic. people watch you so they can hear synths that they otherwise dont have access to before they buy them. so they can try and make the most informed decision possible. there is a huge problem with the ego of people who consider themselves “influencers”. we need to stop giving them power. everyone download adblock immediately


but how do you really feel :smile:, the more I read this thread and think about it I think the lecturing about what to and not to buy unless you have the appropriate funds thing might just be a mad dash for views… because I didn’t think about it at first but first it was like one person and then the day after every YouTube was doing the don’t buy / G.A.S. show…
it’s not unlike what’s going on with the mpc they just released…everything was ok until one YouTubers put out the video that the mpc sound quality not good, now a few days later and the whole mpc YouTuber community is having an existential crisis, there are even YouTubers who don’t even use an mpc making videos about it’s poor sound quality lol
it’s gotta be a mad dash for clicks

should I change my handle to captain obvious now


i just dont like youtubers in general. i like some content creators, but generally not the ones who feel they have to show their face for whatever reason.

this benn guy has a serious narcissism problem. why do i have to know what he looks like? he’s not tim shoebridge level bad, but its close enough. also, constant laughing throughout seems like a hr/pr firm-conditioned behavior(he uses the same infomercial hand gestures that mark zuckerberg was taught in his lifelike human lessons), as well as the snarky ted talk cadence they all share

its disingenuous. i dont know what ivar tryti looks like, but ive learned so much more from him than benn jordan and red means re______ combined. same with oscillator sink

and BENN? come on. use the single n and get off our backs, you freakin dink

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I’m afraid to look up what a dink is, but I’ll say this about Benn, he makes great polyend tracker music, one of the only influencers I can listen to for extended times so there you have it… the bright side


I don‘t have any problem with synthfolks on YouTube.
In fact I kinda love them all.
Probably because to me it’s a situation, which was not possible in the past (pre 90ies).
You can watch for free (no money) tons of videos on the things you are interested in.
Each of them has their own twist / showing their perspective.
It can be informative, funny and so on.
While in the past you had some „gatekeepers“ (people in shops or who were making magazines), which were much much powerful so to speak in terms of selling you stuff / judging synths.
Nowadays it‘s much more „decentralized/democratised“ and you can pick, what you want to watch / what to read.


My fav musical demo person right now is Wes from the Soffter channel, it’s hard to watch one of his vids without me thinking that I should be sampling whatever he’s saying every other minute or two… he is hilarious, and you still learn something
his dialog is perfect for turntablism


I think Benn saw this video and was like how can I do a video that somehow makes me look like I’m out of the clear. I do not trust Benn one bit as he loves being in the spotlight. Just not too long, just long enough to be relevant and score on the topic.

I think too many of us see too much of ourselves when we see these synthfluencers, hence the disgust.


Yeah for sure only difference is instead of me getting sent a bunch of free gear, I’m getting sent a bunch of restraining orders.

Joking…of course.


my gear took out a restraining order against me. for off limits touching. very sad ordeal. I hope one day my gear will accept my love.

for now I’m sleeping on the couch and my gear gets the bedroom.


I think he found his niche, and the concept in itself makes a lot of sense to me- he’s a good resource for those who don’t want to purchase or can’t afford new gear, and I find a lot of merit in that, but his attitude about it puts me off. It often feels like he has distain for any company that develops music gear. He always expects gear to be cheaper and have more features, and makes companies seem as if they’re just out to scam the consumer. I’ve mostly seen this view come out in his responses towards commenters, specifically when they challenge his claims about why a free software is unequivocally better.

I think with him it’s like he’s heavily invested in that niche, all his eggs in one basket so to say… he can’t go back now

Out of the loop. It’s full moon for Flashbulb again?

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For sure, which makes it feel like he’s not completely earnest.

Couldn’t agree more.


Off topic but I’m pretty sure he gets loaned “bad gear” by a local store and has to give it back.

I appreciate that Ricky telegraphs the sponsored content and labels it so it can be skipped. I think the feeling of being forced is deliberate. He could make it slicker if he chose to.


We always talk about what an open minded group we are here as Elektronauts, compared to other forums. But jesus, whenever the subject of youtubers comes up this place turns into a cesspool. Some of the people commenting the most here confess they didn’t even watch the video. We’re making fun of Benn Jordan’s fucking eyebrows now? Come on, people.


There are a few episodes where he was clear about the fact that he was sent the product by the company. Usually you are correct that he acquires the gear through backchannels or gear lending firms.

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Because it should be jokes about his holywood smile right? :laughing: