Benn Jordan...... Word is Bond or a Crash Course in Synthfluencing

Oh dear, that would cut into your music meme production. Can’t have that! :slightly_smiling_face:

nothing would cut into that.


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I use ad blockers on Linux. Now there is a big notice from YT everytime I open a new window / video that says ad blockers are banned etc… you just click the x and watch as normal. I laugh every time.

Also who else is so over “bad gear” man videos? It’s just exactly the same each time. It’s like he uses the same video and just changes the synth. But his memes are great. And it’s not even bad gear any more, just any gear.

watching it is no longer a priority, but there’s no sponsor ads and his occasional self deprecation about words like “wolca” is humorous .

If a restaurant serves the same delicious meal every day you might get bored of it even though you know it’s objectively enjoyable. Then you get nostalgic for the taste and then come back to it and savor it a little more. That’s how “Bad Gear” is for me.

Also, he sometimes showcases older gear (occasionally pieces I have owned) in a way that you can evaluate whether you might want to (re)integrate it into your current set-up, and he doesn’t fetishize it with nostalgia like Heinbach.


Actually, no. I watch other tubers for that. I like the different topics he does that aren’t just product demos.

If you don’t like that, you can watch something else though


Indeed, the world would be impoverished if Benn stayed in his proverbial lane and only did product reviews. His videos exploring topics off the beaten path are part of his creative spirit and help his channel stand out from the pack.

It’s already the case that whenever a new piece of gear drops I have 4-10 release day videos to choose from when evaluating a synth before I buy them. Where else do I get investigative reporting into how a New York Times Reporter scammed hundreds of musicians AND gear reviews?


That screenshot about Andrew Huang asking a lot of money reminded me of his video for Syntakt.
On release it was simply called “The Elektron Syntakt is very good” and a a few hours later changed to “Best new groovebox in ages!”

…Seemed to me at the time that Elektron did have a saying once it was published with that underwhelming title.

Or, get this, there are tools for channel owners to A/B test thumbnails and titles of their videos so in the end the more engaging is rolled out to everyone.


It’s probably less nefarious, and more that many channels will experiment with different titles and thumbnails, because the title and thumbnail directly influence how many views a video gets. “syntakt is very good” is less a attention grabbing headline than “Best new groove box in ages,” so that one stuck around because the video probably did better with that title.

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That confirms that it is an adverstise, not just a review.

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Not really; these people are all essentially freelance and they need the video to get views for a substantial chunk of their revenue stream. Picking the title that snags the most eyeballs is more about that than advertising for the product specifically. The product review is merely a means to the views, in that case.

Is that weird? No more weird than the idea that we have freelance advertising people now.


Kurzgesagt, educational channel, does this. What do they advertise?

Stop this ignorance, please.


Yes! That was one of my favourites from him.


Loopop et voilà Shot with a Sony ILCE-7M2. | Ziv Eliraz | Flickr

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Benn is one of very few youtubers i follow… i like both his synth stuff and other topics… he seems to be ‘on the ball’ and i like the honesty.
benn, starsky, loopop…

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Those are very different kind of videos. There is no comparison in the content, and nothing wrong in wanting more views.

It’s just a thought, maybe they didn’t ask him to change the title, but don’t you think a synth youtuber will want to please their sponsors even if they “don’t have a saying” in the review.
So yeah, he changed the title to get more views.

By the way, I’m not saying there is anything wrong with advertising. So, as you said, stop the ignorance, please.

Great news for those of us who support Benn Jordan. On a personal note - as someone who also almost had an eyebrow punched off - the “is it shaved?” comments never get old.


Who hurt you? Lighten up, man. It’s just youtube. No one is twisting your arm to watch it. And you’re patently wrong. Many people are influenced by Benn Jordan. He’s a critically well-regarded and successful musician (viz. The Flashbulb) and makes very thoughtful videos as a side-hobby on many subjects other than gear reviews.

If we’re going to insult the way people look we should require elektronauts to submit selfies.


I’m going to buck the trend and say I enjoyed this video and Benn Jordan is one of my favourite YouTubers.

Also it’s cool to have opinions and all but a bunch of the comments on this thread suggest people haven’t watched the video. It’s fine to watch it and think it sucks, but not to make up stuff that you don’t like about it.