Benn Jordan...... Word is Bond or a Crash Course in Synthfluencing

Well you’re wrong.


i liked the video too. certainly feels weird seeing people argue against thoughtfully made and intellectually honest content.


I think it’s an interesting video that goes well beyond the navel-gazing self-pity of similar attempts by other YouTubers. It is a revealing peek into the reeking financial ecosystem of ‘influencers’, and it explains some of the patterns we observe in the videos we’re fed. We know it’s scams all the way down, right? But I find scams interesting. And Benn has enough self-confidence to call them out, where others are too desperate for approval or cash.


I think it’s important to remember that this forum has a wide ranging levels of being informed being represented by the people here which is why I love it here… I learn so much from people who are so much better informed than I am about some things and learn just as much from people who are less informed than I am about other things…

So if you see something that looks like there is nothing to learn in it for you just remember that it might be full of information for somebody else, I didn’t know about any of those things Benn shed a light on so I’m better informed about how YouTube works and found it interesting.

Also I prefer the music based advertisements in the YouTuber videos that I like to the breakfast cereal commercials on tv any day of the week


Everything’s amazing and nobody’s happy


I’m as happy as a pig in shit mate.

It’s just difficult to tell through all the moody faces I’m pulling.

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Benn Jordan is one of the only youtubers I actually make time to watch when a new video comes out. I tend to spend barely any time on YT at all; I turned off all the content recommendation settings and usually just go there for specific things. I didn’t find this video whingey at all - it’s not the first one he’s done like this, where it’s slightly meta but mostly him trying to shine a light on the inner workings of things that people may not normally be exposed to.

I also think that digital marketing in general is an absolute cesspit, and it’ll be the end of us if we’re not careful, yet most people don’t seem to have a real grasp of why it’s so nefarious. With that in mind, I am 100% behind anyone trying to expose bad actors and educate people on how things work.

A lot of Benn’s videos tend to have a slightly political slant to them, which I’m sure isn’t for everyone, but I think he’s on the right side of things and I respect him for having the balls/integrity to do that. Most youtubers (and especially synthfluencers imo) are so incredibly straight-down-the-middle it hurts. I can’t just sit here and watch videos of people who apparently don’t have opinions about fucking anything. I’ll take a dude ranting about music companies’ shady business practices and influencer marketing scams all day long over a single minute of Bo Beats muttering inane nothings into a box fresh synth he doesn’t know how to play.


According his reddit AMA 11 years ago when he was merely a well-regarded musician and not ascended to youtuber glory:

“Once upon a time I opened my mailbox and a hornet flew out and stung me in the forehead. I’m allergic to flying insect venom, and after the softball size welt on my head subsided, the pigmentation above and on part of my eyebrow was gone. That’s when the white grew in.”

Woah… that’s some serious hate mail! :rofl:

I’m allergic to flying insect venom too and this might explain why one patch of my beard (where I once got stung) is completely white! Or maybe I’m just old now